Corporate Social Responsibility

Malta Annual Review 2021

Through Corporate Responsibility, we are on a journey to make every decision, every day, count towards a sustainable future. By behaving responsibly and acting with integrity, we play our part in making a difference in the areas that are critical to the resiliency of our business, people and the community. In recognising that each one of us is a catalyst for change, we can use our skills, voice and relationships to work with others and influence activities that make a difference, create change and have a lasting impact on the world around us.

Our five core values form the bedrock for our PwC culture. Acting with integrity, caring, teamwork, reimagining the possible and making a difference impact the choices we make across our business, including in our corporate social responsibility efforts:

Our five core values form the bedrock for our PwC culture. Acting with integrity, caring, teamwork, reimagining the possible and making a difference impact the choices we make across our business, including in our corporate social responsibility efforts.

Act with integrity

Act with integrity

Working Together

Work together

Make a difference

Make a difference

Reimagine the possibe

Reimagine the possible

Care and respect


What we've done

Last year, we continued where we left off the previous year and also launched a number of new initiatives to support our society. Here is a glimpse of what we’ve done.

Pink October

The 23rd of October 2020 was Wear it Pink Day at PwC.  Everyone was encouraged to wear a pink item of clothing - both for those who worked from the office or remotely, in order to show that we stand together in solidarity and that we form part of a community that wants to help. 

As part of the initiative the firm raised the sum of €860 which were donated to the Action for Breast Cancer Foundation. 

PwC staff also benefited from a discounted price for breast ultrasounds and mammograms.

pink october week
pink october week
pink october week

Contact us

Mirko Rapa

Mirko Rapa

Tax Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 6896

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