2. Cross-border inclusion (Nationality)
Our firm currently embraces 38 different nationalities from across the world representing different ethnicities, educational backgrounds, gender identities, languages, cultures and beliefs.
With our expatriate community accounting for 33% of our overall staff complement, our onboarding and retention processes are constantly kept in focus and revamped on a continuous basis, through one-to-one feedback, obtained from our expats and through focus groups.
As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to having fair expat representation across grades including the firms’ management. Professional development, including upskilling, resources, and coaching material, is equally accessible to all staff, without bias.
Embracing diversity is at the foundation of all that we do, and our mission is to Listen, Act, and Transform. Because we recognise the importance of our cross-border inclusion strategy, we have a dedicated task force that works closely with our expatriate community to collect feedback, through which measurable results and tangible initiatives are discussed and set in place to ensure that the firm is continuously providing the support and assistance that our expats might require.