PwC Malta’s net zero commitment

Climate change is one of the most pressing problems facing our world today, affecting everyone, young and old, and everything, from what we eat to how we do business. As a small archipelago situated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, Malta’s unique geography poses several significant challenges. Scarce natural resources force heavy reliance on imports, while over-tourism and an ever-increasing population strains ecosystems and culture. Challenges related to waste management, water scarcity, and traffic congestion pose further environmental threats, making climate change vulnerabilities, biodiversity preservation and a shift away from fossil fuels matters of urgent concern.

At PwC, we believe the business community has a key role to play in making that happen. We’re determined to play our part, which is why we have made a worldwide commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with near-term science-based targets set for 2030. Locally here in Malta, our dedication to achieving net zero remains unwavering. Over the past year, we have continued to advance our local net zero action plan by eliminating, reducing, substituting, and compensating for our carbon emissions through the purchase of high-quality carbon credits.

Net Zero 2030

How will we achieve this?

Reducing emissions

Across our network, we commit to reducing our total greenhouse gas emissions by 50% in absolute terms by 2030. This includes investing in renewable energy sources in all territories, as well as energy efficiency improvements in our offices, and halving the emissions associated with business travel and accommodation within a decade. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to remote working and demonstrated the feasibility of new client delivery models, part of a longer-term transformation of our services.

CO2 emissions

Carbon removal projects

We will invest in carbon removal projects, including natural climate solutions. For every remaining tonne of CO2 equivalent that we emit, we will remove a tonne of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to achieve net zero climate impact by 2030. Our projects will be selected based on quality criteria and verification of the carbon reduction impact and will also support broader local economic and social development co-benefits.

CO2 emissions

Progress so far

Our organisational boundary

In line with the operational control approach, any organisation that trades under the PwC brand or is operationally controlled by an organisation that trades under the PwC brand, shall be included within the organisational boundary. This covers PwC Malta and all its subsidiaries, including the PwC Academy.

CO2 emissions

Contact us

David Valenzia

David Valenzia

Territory Senior Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 6892

Romina Soler

Romina Soler

Assurance Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 7293

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