Asset & Wealth Management

Asset & Wealth management

The Asset and Wealth Management sector’s transformation is ongoing. Changing demographics, tighter regulation and a complete disruption of traditional capital raising, have pushed the sector to centre stage.

Asset Management team at PwC

The spotlight on alternative asset classes is increasing with a focus on value creation drivers - such as digital, talent and ESG. Malta has a lot to offer in this space: flexible and cost effective fund structuring solutions, an approachable regulator and a competent professional workforce operating in a stable economic environment.

How PwC can help

Global regulatory developments especially at EU level have been increasing cost pressures on asset managers, forcing changes in fund products and service provider arrangements and putting the spotlight on regulatory and investor disclosures.

Our Asset and Wealth Management team can help you understand and manage the challenges that the sector is facing today, turning complex issues into competitive advantage.

Asset and Wealth Management Team

Explore the services we offer


  • Provision of statutory and non-statutory auditing services.

  • Agreed upon procedures and reasonable and/or limited assurance engagements tailored to the needs of your business and/or regulatory requirements subject to independence restrictions.

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Fund structuring

  • Regulatory and tax advice on domicile choice/feasibility. 
  • Re-domiciliation and relocation services.

Assistance with licensing and set-up

  • Fund and investment firm licence applications.
  • Setting up of governance, risk and compliance infrastructure and related initial policies and procedures.

  • Assistance with tax, employment and other registrations.

  • Setting up of back office and administration support.


Ongoing regulatory and compliance support

  • Assistance with ongoing dealings with regulators.
  • MLRO, compliance and risk management function support.

  • Regulatory reporting.

  • Compliance health checks.

  • Data protection and privacy support.

Financial Crime Compliance Support

  • Assistance with identifying and managing AML/CFT risk.
  • Support in setting up and monitoring the implementation of financial crime related policies and procedures; risk assessments and methodologies.

  • Remediation support.

  • Design and implement sanctions compliance programmes.

  • Anti-bribery/corruption/fraud policies and procedures.

Valuation assistance

  • Valuation of unquoted/private equity investments, fixed-income investments, complex financial instruments/derivatives and real estate assets.
  • Valuation of various intangible assets such as intellectual property, brands, operating manuals, customer lists, etc. 

  • Preparation or review of valuation policies tailored to the investments held by the fund, including discussions with the fund’s auditors to ensure no red flags ahead of the audit process. 

  • Review of the performance of the fund’s investment portfolio against set benchmarks.

  • Assets Under Management calculation for AIFMs in terms of the AIFMD.

  • Availability to discuss any valuation-related issues you might come across as you’re going through the valuation process.

Ongoing tax services

  • Direct and indirect tax compliance and advisory services.
  • FATCA & CRS and investor tax reporting.

  • Assistance with double taxation mitigation.


  • Assistance in digital transition/transformation and conversion of services to digital financial services. 

  • Consulting services to help businesses reimagine their operations for the digital age.


  • Training consultancy – we understand your needs and come up with the best approach example providing skills gaps analysis, and measurement of learning effectiveness.

  • Review and refresh your learning and development strategy as part of your upskilling plans.

  • Design, development and delivery of bespoke training programmes.

  • Design and development of digital learning assets.

  • Advisory in the implementation of Academies and its Quality Frameworks.

  • Outsourcing on training management and coordination.

  • Customisable learning management system.

  • Access to experts and content – we give you access to carefully curated content and a wide range of learning resources that encourages the development of knowledge and skills.

Setting up a PIF in Malta

A high-level overview of the main factors to consider when setting up a Professional Investor Fund (‘PIF’) in Malta.

Setting up an AIF in Malta

A high level overview of the main factors to be considered when setting up an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) in Malta.

Setting up a UCITS in Malta

A high-level overview of the main factors to be considered when setting up a UCITS (undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities) in Malta.

Family office services

No two family offices are identical, but each is tailored to specific needs. We can help you set up and manage a single family office or multi-family office or support your established family office. Our multi-disciplined team, alongside our global network can support you.

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Contact us

Lucienne Pace Ross

Lucienne Pace Ross

Assurance Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 7293

Bernard Attard

Bernard Attard

Tax Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 6726

Bonavent Gauci

Bonavent Gauci

Advisory Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 7090

Chris Mifsud Bonnici

Chris Mifsud Bonnici

Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 79757005

Nadia Mifsud

Nadia Mifsud

Director, Assurance, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 7234

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