Regulatory Updates

June 2021

Contact the PwC Malta Regulatory Team for further information in relation to any of the updates or if you wish to discuss how these may impact your business.


Welcome to PwC Malta’s Regulatory Updates - giving a recap for this month of the main legislative updates and key regulator activity.

Anti-Money Laundering

Local update

25/06/2021 - Interpretative Note on Assessing Jurisdictional Risk and the Consequential Application of AML/CFT Obligations in light of Malta’s Grey Listing by the Financial Action Task Force
Link to the document can be found here.

International updates

Guidance on Proliferation Financing Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Link to the report can be found here.

28/06/2021 - FATF Report on Money Laundering from Environmental Crime
Link to the report can be found here.

Asset Management

Local updates

02/06/2021 - ESMA Integrates the 2021 IFRS Taxonomy into the ESEF RTS
Circular can be found here.

02/06/2021 - Circular on Regulation N0 2015/2365 on Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (‘SFTR’) - Publication of Q&As on SFTR Reporting 
Circular can be found here.

02/06/2021 - Circular on Updates to the Q&As on Regulation EU 648/2012 the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (‘EMIR’/ the ‘Regulation’)
Circular can be found here.

08/06/2021 - The Investment Firms Regulation and Directive - 4th Briefing
Circular can be found here.

09/06/2021 - Circular on Regulation 648/2012 (‘EMIR’) and Regulation 2015/2365 (‘SFTR’) - Reply form for the Consultation Paper on the Guidelines on transfer of data between Trade Repositories under EMIR and SFTR
Circular can be found here.

09/06/2021 - Circular on Regulation No 648/2012 (‘EMIR’) and Regulation No 2015/2365 (‘SFTR’) – Reply form for the Consultation Paper on the Guidelines on transfer of data between Trade Repositories under EMIR and SFTR
Circular can be found here.

11/06/2021 - Measures for the Processing of Physical Documentation
Circular can be found here.

16/06/2021 - Guidance on the ESEF Test Environment
Circular can be found here.

21/06/2021 - ESMA Guidelines on Outsourcing to Cloud Service Providers
Circular can be found here.

23/06/2021 - Re-Issuance of Investment Services Licences
Circular can be found here.

24/06/2021 - Circular on the Revisiting of the MFSA Notified AIF Regime
Circular can be found here.

25/06/2021 - Circular on the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 (‘MAR’ or the ‘Regulation’) - Regulatory Action for Late or Non-Submission of PDMR Notifications
Circular can be found here.

30/06/2021 - The Investment Firms Regulation and Directive - 5th Briefing
Circular can be found here.

11/06/2021 - Legal Notice 240 of 2021 Investment Services Act (CAP. 370)
Circular can be found here.


International updates

10/06/2021 - EBA publishes final revised Guidelines on major incident reporting under PSD2
Link to the release can be found here.

23/06/2021 - The EBA proposes to further harmonise EU law applicable to branches of third country credit institutions
Link to the release can be found here.

23/06/2021 - EBA publishes its Report on management and supervision of ESG risks for credit institutions and investment firms
Link to the release can be found here.

25/06/2021 - EBA publishes final draft technical standards on supervisory disclosure under the Investment Firms Directive
Link to the release can be found here.

Company Service Providers

Local update

1/06/2021 - Circular addressed to Corporate Service Providers Classified as Class C
Circular can be found here.

Conduct of Business

Local update

18/06/2021 - Joint Communication by MFSA and CSIRTMalta on Cyber Threats and Vulnerabilities 
Circular can be found here.

Financial Stability

Local update

09/06/2021 - Regulatory Reporting in relation to Securitisation Vehicles
Circular can be found here.


Local update

14/06/2021 - European Securities and Markets Authority (‘ESMA’) launches call for evidence on Digital Finance
Circular can be found here.


Local updates

03/06/2021 - MFSA releases a Cross-Sectoral Self-Assessment Questionnaire on ICT and Cybersecurity Risks Management
Circular can be found here.

22/06/2021 - Circular on the Transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/2177
Circular can be found here.

International updates

17/06/2021 - Artificial Intelligence Governance Principles: Towards Ethical and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in the European Insurance Sector
Link to the publication can be found here.

30/06/2021 - EIOPA continues to reinforce supervisory cooperation in cross-border activities
Link to the release can be found here.


Local update

04/06/2021 - Guidelines on PEPP supervisory reporting
Link to the report can be found here.

Contact us

Fabio Axisa

Fabio Axisa

Assurance Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 7191

Mark Lautier

Mark Lautier

Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 6744

Chris Mifsud Bonnici

Chris Mifsud Bonnici

Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 79757005

Lee Ann Agius

Lee Ann Agius

Senior Manager, Tax, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 4027

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