Customer-Led Transformation

Better engage your customers.

Customer-Led Transformation has changed fundamentally in just a few years. Mobile technology and social media allows customers to carry out research, make purchases and interact with your company anywhere, anytime, on their terms. These new empowered customers are engaged, informed and wield considerable power online. So customer experience has never been more important.

But customer-led transformation doesn’t just mean the design of an ecommerce checkout, or physical in-store experience. It extends to every part of your business, from marketing and sales, through to customer retention, finance and procurement. That’s why our approach to customer experience management is focused on your business objectives and uses all of PwC’s expertise to help you deliver the experiences customers demand.


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Understanding the customer no matter the sector

Customer-led transformation is important in both the B2C and B2B spaces, but the approaches to building a successful customer experience are different. We recognise this fact and bring our insights to each project instead of trying to deliver a one size fits all solution. 

For the B2C consumer emotions and feeling have a massive impact on their decision to buy. This applies to luxury goods and more utilitarian purchases. And when something goes wrong during their interaction with your business, or with your product or service, they feel a very personal disappointment. It’s this emotional experience that is at the foundation of our approach to B2C customer experience.

But the B2B consumer has a different set of motivations. They’re making their decisions from the head not the heart, and each choice is made with consideration of the bottom line. Buying isn’t a simple yes/no, but involves multiple stakeholders, budgets and layers of approval. And the cost of a wrong decision can be astronomical for a B2B customer.

How we can help you with customer experience

Because customer experience touches on every aspect of your business you need a partner who has wide ranging expertise. PwC’s global presence gives you access to a huge pool of knowledge and experience, which means as your project develops you can be assured that we have the capability to deliver the right customer experience solution.


Our portfolio of Customer Cloud Transformation Solutions enabled by our technology alliance partners helps rethink the way people connect, transact and engage with your company.

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Are we ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

To make the most of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), companies must listen closely to their customers and employees

From smartwatches that measure your heart rate to artificial intelligence (AI) that monitors your bank account, digital technologies are changing our lives at home and at work. Consumer and employee comfort with—and trust in—4IR technologies will likely determine the potential opportunities for growth and efficiencies that these technologies can offer businesses. Indeed, PwC’s Consumer Intelligence Series found that while 4IR—also known as Industry 4.0—may be everywhere, not everyone is yet fully on board.

Explore Key Findings

Download your copy of our Customer Experience ebook now

Embarking on the Maltese Customer Experience Journey

We’ve spoken to Maltese business leaders to get their take on customer interactions. The ebook highlights the importance of leveraging target customers’ feedback to unlock opportunities for growth and how attracting employees with skills that bridge the human and machine will be the key to generating unique value to customers.

Contact us

Michel Ganado

Michel Ganado

Digital Services Leader, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 7091

Jake  Azzopardi

Jake Azzopardi

Senior Manager, Digital Services, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 7975 6974

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