Capability enhancement workshop for journalists

Started in 2013, the capability enhancement workshop for journalists is a key component of PwC Nigeria's Corporate Responsibility strategy. It was instituted in recognition of the very important role of the media in society and in particular, the role that the media in Nigeria has and continues to play in informing and educating the public.

The workshop is an annual free training for journalists on various relevant topics by experienced subject matter specialists. The workshop is our contribution to building the capacity of journalists and enhancing their ability to execute their duties professionally while also better positioning themselves to take advantage of future opportunities. Over 500 journalists have benefited from this training.

Lady with ear phones and tablet

2022 edition

Date: 2 September 2020.  Time: 10.00am

Topics & Facilitarors:

  • Economic sustainability: Tracking and reporting the metrics that matter by Dr. Andrew S. Nevin - Partner and Chief Economist, PwC Nigeria
  • Journalism and the new normal: challenges and opportunities by Tokunbo Afikuyomi -  Editor-in-Chief at Stears Business
  • CAMA 2020, Nigeria’s competitiveness and ease of doing business by Taiwo Oyedele, Fiscal Policy Partner and West Africa Tax leader, PwC
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2020 virtual capability enhancement workshop for journalists

Contact us

Sylva Ifedigbo

Sylva Ifedigbo

Head, Clients and Markets Development, PwC Nigeria

Tel: +2342012711700

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