The IPO Journey

Taking your company public is a transformational event

The step from private to public is an intense and transformational change for your Company.

Our dedicated IPO team will help you to understand what you need to know, and what you need to do, to complete an IPO. We can help you evaluate the pros and cons of an IPO, assess your readiness for a listing, navigate every phase of the complex IPO process and prepare your business for life as a public company.

PwC offers a broad suite of services for both Nigerian and international companies considering an IPO, bringing together the right team from across PwC with a deep bench of skills and experience.

Our IPO services include:

  • IPO Readiness Assessment
  • IPO Assurance Services
  • Equity Advisory
  • Project Management
  • Structuring Advice
  • Post IPO Support

We will also bring together the right experts from other IPO related services across the PwC network to meet your needs, including, tax advice, strategy, reward planning, management incentives, corporate governance and compliance.


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Going Public: everything you need to know about an IPO

Learn about IPO process - the steps to get there efficiently and with success and what life is like as a listed company

Find out more

Committing to an IPO

Being Public

Your IPO is not the end of the story, it is just the beginning. Once listed, your company will be under far greater public and regulatory scrutiny than ever before, with a wider universe of stakeholders, associated risks and obligations to manage.

You will need to ensure that you have robust processes and procedures in place to fulfil your obligations as a public company.  You will also need to manage potential risks to protect your company's reputation, safeguard your credibility and retain investor confidence. We can continue to support you post IPO on a wide range of public company matters, including financial reporting, corporate governance, risk management, as well as in future transactions.


Getting ready for an IPO

It's easy to underestimate the effort required to prepare your business for life as a public company. Our team will help you thoroughly assess where your company stands and what the key gaps are, so that you can dedicate your time to where it's needed most. 

Our IPO Readiness Assessment tool is based on a holistic framework to benchmark your organisation against key attributes of a successful public company, including inter alia, strategy and equity story, corporate governance, and financial and management reporting.

You will also want to consider how you optimise your corporate structure for your chosen market. To help with this, we can provide tax and other expertise in developing and executing structuring plans.  

This is also a stage where you are building your team of IPO consultants. We can provide independent advice on this, including underwriter selection, syndicate structuring and transaction project management framework.

IPO process execution

Going Public

IPO process execution involves transaction diligence, as well as the preparation of the required documentation for submission to the regulator and, when appropriate, prospective investors. The process involves carefully orchestrating multiple workstreams, including marketing, legal, accounting, tax and prospectus preparation. This will need to be managed in addition to running your business as usual, which becomes even more important in the lead up to the IPO.

We would act as your IPO accountants, providing assurance over your financial track record or provide hands on advice preparing your financial track record and/or executing the required financial due diligence. Our team will give you practical advice throughout the process and may also act as your project manager, covering all aspects of the transaction. In addition, we can be your sounding board for any recommendations you receive from the lead investment banks and other advisors, including on valuation, investor targeting and pricing.

Post IPO

Now Public

Your IPO is not the end of the story, it is just the beginning. Once listed, your company will be under far greater public and regulatory scrutiny than ever before, with a wider universe of stakeholders, associated risks and obligations to manage.

You will need to ensure that you have robust processes and procedures in place to fulfil your obligations as a public company.  You will also need to manage potential risks to protect your company's reputation, safeguard your credibility and retain investor confidence. We can continue to support you post IPO on a wide range of public company matters, including financial reporting, corporate governance, risk management, as well as in future transactions.

Contact us

Omobolanle Adekoya

Omobolanle Adekoya

Partner & Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services, PwC Nigeria

Tel: 234 (1) 271 1700

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