Capital projects and infrastructure

We partner with our public and private sector clients across the entire capital project lifecycle. 

  • Developing institutional policy frameworks

  • Providing options analyses, feasibility / viability assessments and business cases 

  • Advising on buy- or sell-side transactions to project companies and public institutions 

  • Managing projects or programs to ensure quality is delivered on time and on budget 

  •  Facilitating public private partnerships 

  • Sourcing the right partners and aligning overall interests 

  • Financing equity and debt tax-efficiently 

  • Optimising project / asset performance to deliver required returns 

How we can help

Strategy and planning, regulation

At the heart of every sustainable infrastructure programme is sound infrastructure master planning. We work with the client teams and their external stakeholders to improve on their existing infrastructure master plans, or to develop new plans for them. We ensure that the plans are financially and technically feasible, that possible risks and dependencies have been understood and addressed and that projects and activities are logically sequenced. In this planning process we consider their political, social, economic, technical and environmental landscape and objectives. We help them support their plans by designing and implementing enabling policy and regulatory frameworks, and helping them strengthen their institutions to deliver on those plans.

Funding and procurement

Making the right choices is critical when it comes to technical solutions, procurement strategies, financing mechanisms and risk transfer arrangements; it sets the stage for projects five, ten and even 20 years into the future. We will support the client through every step of assessing alternatives, looking for options to accelerate outcomes, and making programmes and projects bankable and sustainable. With our blend of engineering, stakeholder engagement and legal skills, we're ready to assist the client through the transaction; negotiation and contracting phases, ensuring they get value for money, affordability and appropriate risk transfer and mitigation. Our Deals and Financing team comprises 500 professionals across the globe, dedicated to supporting the procurement and financing of infrastructure investment across a full range of infrastructure and public sector services. We have been the leading project finance adviser globally over the last decade.

PMO, risk assurance and governance, optimization, institution building

Once the deal is done, the real work starts. Both parties need well-structured programme and project offices to guide them through the creation and commissioning phases. We support the client through these execution stages, from establishing best practice PMOs, and implementing robust project control frameworks, to providing independent third-party assurance over their projects and programmes. We use advanced techniques such as quantified risk analysis, schedule analytics and earned value to assess the performance of their project for delivering the required quality within their timeframe and budget. We also provide skilled people to bolster their team's capacity where they have critical gaps. As new assets are created, we help the client operationalize them by ensuring the right organizational and institutional structures, processes, management information and systems, asset management, maintenance scheduling, planning and optimal usage across the full asset life cycle.

What we focus on

We work with government and other public sector organisations to meet the challenges they face in developing and delivering infrastructure, and to keep their organisations relevant and effective by providing a comprehensive range of advisory services.

We offer specific solutions to many of the most challenging issues for government and the public sector including but not limited to the following:

  • Strategy and planning for large-scale investments in infrastructure while demonstrating, measuring and reporting on the value-for-money proposition inherent in these projects.
  • Transaction advisory support for infrastructure development including public private partnership (PPP) projects.
  • Procurement and programmme management support for successful delivery of projects for federal, state and local government agencies.

We assist companies in confronting the industry's biggest challenges and issues and to identify and utilise opportunities by developing effective solutions and strategies in the Agriculture sector.

PwC provides advisory services to organisations in agriculture sub-sectors such as food processing, commodity trading, agricultural credit, irrigation, integrated resource management, farm inputs and agri-infrastructure. We have assisted our clients in policy planning and implementation, appraisal, monitoring and evaluation support, capacity building and institutional development, business plan and growth strategies, strategic investor scan, technical due diligence, transaction advisory, and supply chain management.

Globally, the most recent demand for hard commodities has been driven by emerging global economic powers, such as China and Brazil. With China's growth stabilizing and Brazil's government taking active steps to minimize inflation, mining executives and investors are wondering if today's prices are here to stay…or are they indicative of inflated asset prices?

Africa, which has huge potential for mineral reserves exploration, produces more than 60 metal and mineral products. The mining industries in our key focus areas are undergoing a transition with some level of mining activity recorded in recent times.

As competition for natural resources stiffens, especially for commodities such as copper and uranium, prices and premiums paid for these resources will likely increase accordingly, bringing the importance of due diligence on these assets to the forefront of a successful growth strategy.

PwC provides a range of services to the mining industry ranging across financing and managing mining capital projects, mining transactions and industry consolidation, improving performance and operational effectiveness, managing risk, complying with regulatory & reporting requirements, addressing sustainability issues, as well as recruiting and retaining a skilled workforce.

Although healthcare challenges vary from region to region, health systems around the world have the same objective: to finance and deliver the highest possible quality of care to the maximum number of people at the lowest possible cost.

Organizations seeking to combine growth with improvements in efficiency and the quality of care first need a clearly defined decision-making framework for infrastructure projects under consideration. Improved operational controls and procedures can help lower operating costs, enhance patient care and increase profitability.

In addition to lowering overall project and construction costs, a well-managed capital project implementation will bring the project in faster, leading to an earlier opening date and an earlier start to generating operating income.

With mega-events projects growing ever more complex, we at the world's top professional services network are proud to be able to leverage the knowledge of our subject matter experts to help our clients solve their business challenges. PwC has a proud history of providing professional services to the organizers of mega-events around the world.

For a few weeks during an event like the Olympics or FIFA World Cup™ football, countries like South Africa, China, and Canada have taken center stage. In the years to come, the mantle will pass to Brazil, Russia, and Qatar.

While the athletes have their eyes on the prize, so too do regional planners and government officials who are building a lasting legacy for the community. They must plan ahead, sometimes decades in advance, for the infrastructure — transportation, energy, telecommunications, water, and sanitation — required by athletes and spectators.

Ideas abound. But translating those ideas into reality is more elusive. How does the vision for infrastructure investment correspond to the region's long-term development objectives? Which financing models best apply in each case? What role does sustainability play? What are the projected maintenance costs? How will procurement occur? What kind of oversight should govern the process?

PwC understands each of these critical success factors and barriers. In our Game on: Mega-event infrastructure opportunities report, we analyze the infrastructure investments that a sample of host cities has made. We also examine the long-term implications for each region where those investments occurred.

Economic development is dependent on sufficient sources of energy—oil, gas, coal, and alternative fuels. The energy and utilities sector is complex and changing rapidly as companies pursue new models of value creation. Some strategies fiercely reinforce the traditional integrated utility strength of owning production, distribution and the customers. Others seek competitive advantage (or have it thrust upon them by regulators) by concentrating on particular parts of the energy chain. Previously sacrosanct national boundaries are falling as cross border investment progresses.

Oil & Gas companies contend with challenging regulatory requirements and a host of issues. At the same time, they are focused on growth and stakeholder value. The power sector is witnessing the beginning of a new era as more private companies emerge following privatization in key markets such as Nigeria. Shareholder value creation for the new stakeholders of power generation, distribution and transmission companies has become high priority. This is leading to adoption on innovative business models and practices in financing and running these assets efficiently.

At PwC, we are not only watching these developments across the industries, but we are also analysing these changes from the perspective of how they will impact our clients, and how we can best help companies prepare and navigate this dynamic environment.

In both water scarce and water rich regions, continued growth of agriculture, industry and urban consumption patterns drives both increased demand for clean water and increased costs for controlling pollution and protecting natural ecosystems.

Vast facilities are planned or operational around the globe to increase the water supply. In Ashkelon, Israel, for example, one of the world's largest desalination plants converts 26 billion gallons of Mediterranean seawater into freshwater annually. China's North-South Water Transfer Project will, on completion decades hence, move huge volumes of water from the water-rich south to the dryer north of the country through hundreds of miles of pipeline. These are only two of many.

With governments at all levels short of money, public-private partnerships (PPPs) are expected to take on growing importance in financing such undertakings. Water infrastructure funds – a growing sector – will continue to have a role to play.

The transportation & logistics industry forms the backbone of modern global supply chains. Airlines and airports, shipping companies, logistics service providers and other transportation companies are all part of the process to keep people and products on the move even as the markets is also on the move. Due to advancing globalisation, declining trade barriers and an increasingly mobile workforce, the transport and logistics industry continues to enjoy increasing growth. And by expanding their service offerings both upstream and downstream, transport companies and logistics service providers are also becoming masters of their supply chain – both forward and backward. International growth through acquisitions, joint ventures and alliances are also reshaping the industry.

At PwC, our transportation and logistics experts provide guidance on such areas as road, rail, airports, seaports, international and domestic airlines, posts, express and parcel services, freight forwarding companies, and other logistics services.

The real estate landscape is changing globally especially in emerging markets. Urbanisation, demographic shifts, sustainability, technology and the shifting financial ecosystem all have major implications for real estate investment and development. These trends are likely to increase the size of the real estate asset pool, yet alter the nature of investment opportunities and risks. Real estate players need to make sure they are fit for the future and success will depend on having access to global networks, specialist expertise and innovation, cost management and scale, as well as people that suit your strategic objectives.

PwC has a global team of multidisciplinary professionals committed to serving the real estate community in all phases of the real estate life cycle. This team of dedicated professionals advises members of the private and public sectors, owners, users and investors in real estate throughout the asset lifecycle.

Technology industries - software, computers and networking and the investors that supply them - profoundly influence our lives. Though the sector has matured over the past 25 years, technology companies wrestle with constant challenges. Access to capital, faster time-to-market, and finding, attracting and keeping the right talent is more critical than ever. So is managing stakeholders and financial market expectations. Likewise, convergence - now a common theme running through all technology industries - brings new and fundamental challenges to industry players.

The telecommunication sector has been driving economic growth of the region since liberalization of the sector. Africa has been the fastest-growing mobile market in the world during the past five years. There are now more than 82 million mobile users in Africa: Nigeria's mobile market alone is growing at over 100% per year.

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Tosin Labeodan

Tosin Labeodan

Partner, PwC Nigeria

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