Jimmy Disquetado

Jimmy Disquetado

Business Services Partner and AOS Operations Leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers Business Services Philippines, PwC Philippines

Jimmy is the Business Services Partner and AOS Operations Leader of PwC Philippines (PwC PH) and has been leading its offshoring and business support group of the firm since 2016. He has led the growth and expansion of one of PwC PH’s business units from assurance support to other business support services including accounting and finance services, business operations, know your customer reviews, compliance and internal audit, billings and collections, risk management and outsourcing. He has likewise spearheaded the expansion of his group from its main office in Manila to other locations in the Philippines..

Core competencies

  • Cum Laude - Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (Polytechnic University of the Philippines - Manila)
  • Certified Public Accountant (Member of the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants)
  • Extensive knowledge and technical experience in assurance, particularly in financial services, reporting under US GAAP and IFRS.

Key experiences

  • He was part of the Asset and Management Division of a multinational accounting firm handling various Cayman and Irish Funds.
  • He was part of the financial services division of a multinational accounting firm in Sydney, Australia, focusing on banks and the asset management industries – including Cayman accounts.
  • He worked as Sydney’s manager consultant for the Asian Talent Hub of a multinational firm.
  • He assisted the team in leading the offshoring of over 500,000 hours outside Oceania.
  • He provided asset management training for Manila and Davao offices of a multinational firm and was actively involved in the promotion of operational excellence in both Australia and Philippine offices.

Contact us

Jane M. Saliendra

Jane M. Saliendra

Firm Services Group Senior Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers Business Services Philippines, PwC Philippines