Demystifying ESG
ESG or environmental, social, and governance is a novel concept for many. But the truth is, it’s just as old as it is new.
Now more than ever, companies are being pressured from all fronts: investors demanding strong ESG performance, consumers clamoring for sustainable products and services, regulators imposing environmentally and socially-responsible practices, and funders looking for impactful projects.
Further the World Economic Forum highlights (1) failure to respond to climate change, (2) biodiversity loss and (3) cyber insecurity to be among the top ten most severe risks facing the world in the next ten years.
Keeping up with these issues places organizations in precarious positions unless they look at it from the right lens.
ESG is not just about doing good. It’s also about doing well. It’s a choice between short term gains vs long term sustainable operations. It’s doing the right things, right. And in terms of charting one’s course, it’s either now or never.
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ESG or environmental, social, and governance is a novel concept for many. But the truth is, it’s just as old as it is new.
Isla Lipana & Co./PwC Philippines is proud to release its first Sustainability Report, which covers fiscal year 2022. It highlights the firm’s practices in promoting sustainable business operations and addressing environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
This fiscal year, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Isla Lipana & Co. As we look back on our rich history, we also reflect on how we can create a brighter and more sustainable future for the next generation.
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Almost 90% of the CEOs are confident that their company will experience revenue growth in the next 12 months and in the next three years.
In collaboration with PwC's Asia Pacific ESG Centre of Excellence, PwC Philippines conducted a workshop entitled “Developing an ESG Strategy: A Company Roadmap” on 27 July via Google Meet for publicly listed companies in the country.
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If return on investment is the main driver of investment decisions, is ESG just a fashionable advocacy or does it really impact the financial value of a company?
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Catherine H. Lipana-Gomez
Deals and Corporate Finance and ESG Partner, PwC Philippines
Tel: +63 (2) 8845 2728