Cyber Threat Intelligence involves the systematic gathering and analysis of information on potential cyber threats, enabling organizations to proactively identify vulnerabilities and respond effectively to cyber attacks. Cyber Threat Advisory encompasses real-time alerts and comprehensive reports on emerging cyber threats, while Dark Web Monitoring focuses on monitoring and analyzing illicit online activities to detect potential risks and protect sensitive information.
We provide cyber threat advisories – specialized warnings that inform about specific cyber threats, along with crucial information on vulnerabilities, attack methods, and indicators of compromise (IOCs) to help identify and respond to cyber threats effectively.
We provide continuous monitoring of dark web forums for potential targeting and conduct keyword-based searches to detect credentials leaks, ensuring your organization’s cybersecurity.
Stay ahead of cyber attacks with our proactive threat hunting service. In today’s sophisticated threat landscape, attackers can find ways to breach your network. Embrace a security mindset that acknowledges breaches may occur and focus on proactive hunting to detect intrusions before they harm your business. Our service offers the following benefits:
In today’s business landscape, investigations are vital to mitigating reputational, regulatory, and financial risks. Swift, strategic responses during crises prevent reputational damage, wasted time, and heavy sanctions from data mishandling and compliance issues.
Our experienced team handles vast data volumes, equipped with proprietary tools. We process diverse data types, including e-mails and electronic files, ensuring efficient and effective solutions for your business needs.
Our service ensures organizations can effectively respond to and recover from cyberattacks. We focus on a comprehensive approach, incorporating technical cyber incident response. Our service offers the following benefits:
Our cybersecurity services specialize in identifying malicious activity that traditional defenses miss. By analyzing data from endpoints, network layers, and external sources. We gain unique insights using proprietary threat intelligence, and you will receive practical remediation advice to fortify your defenses effectively. Stay ahead of sophisticated threat actors with our dedicated collaborative approach to safeguarding your IT infrastructure today.
Assist in Data Protection Officer (DPO) registration and Data Processing System (DPS) registration to the National Privacy Commission (NPC) by providing the guidelines in appointing a DPO and a list of DPS subject for registration.
Conduct of assessment and develop relevant requirements as compliance with RA 10173, Implementing Rules and Regulation and other NPC issuances.
Conduct of assessment on the potential impacts on privacy of a process, information system, programme, software module, device or other initiative which processes personally identifiable information (PII) and for taking actions as necessary in order to manage privacy risk.
Conduct gap assessment and readiness and using the ISO standards, Privacy Information Management Systems (PIMS) and the Code of practice for personally identifiable information protection.
Assist in updating and developing of privacy manual, policies, standards and guidelines.
Trainings will be conducted for employees of an organization that focus on the awareness to the Data Privacy Act of 2012, data protection, breach management, and educating them to always treat information data as a valuable and critical company asset that should always be secured.
Assist the Data Protection Officer or the Compliance Officer in empowering the organization’s data protection ensuring the compliance with the DPA, IRR, NPC issuances and other requirement tailored to specific needs.
Mark Anthony P. Almodovar
Risk Assurance Executive Director, PwC Philippines
Tel: +63 (2) 8845 2728