For simplicity and considering the existing reverse charge mechanism under Section 114 of the Tax Code even prior to the new VAT legislation, non-resident DSPs are only liable to remit the VAT on their supply of digital services in business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions, and in case they are classified as an e-marketplace (with respect to sales of non-resident sellers that go through their platform). On the other hand, business-to-business (B2B) transactions, similar to the collection method under the old VAT rules, should be accounted for and remitted by the Philippine resident business consumer.
During the public consultation, concerns were raised, however, regarding the VAT withholding by business consumers. While the law requires the VAT withholding by VAT-registered consumers, the draft IRR imposes this obligation on all business consumers, without any qualification as to the VAT registration status.
In my humble opinion, the imposition on non-VAT registered business consumers still finds basis under the general provisions of Section 114 of the Tax Code, which covers all services performed in the Philippines by non-residents. A B2B supply of digital services to a non-VAT Philippine business consumer is clearly subject to VAT, and for sure, the VAT will be passed on to and shouldered by the Philippine consumer. The only question is who is liable for the remittance. Putting the remittance obligation on the Philippine party seems to me like a simplified method for effective tax administration which is reasonable. It not only helps the BIR, but also the non-resident DSP. At least, the non-resident DSP will only need to confirm whether the Philippine customer is engaged in business, and eliminates the need to determine whether or not the Philippine business customer is a VAT taxpayer.
Further, the BIR may consider further easing the compliance burden on non-resident DSPs whose transactions are limited to B2B transactions by exempting them from VAT registration.