Tax, VAT, customs and trade alerts

We provide a wealth of publications by PwC Rwanda providing informed commentary on current developments in the tax arena, both locally and internationally.

Through analysis and comment on new law and judicial decisions of interest, they assist business executives to identify developments and trends in tax law and revenue practice that might impact their business.

Woman reading the latest PwC Rwanda tax alert.

In this issue:

Tax Alert - Rwanda announces major tax policy reforms for the next six fiscal years (2024/2025 to 2029/2030)

Tax reforms are not merely changes in legislation; they paint a picture of the path a nation takes to help its people develop and prosper. Recently, The Rwandan Government announced major tax policy reforms for the next half decade, up to 2030. The reforms are aimed at broadening the tax base, boosting domestic revenue mobilisation and streamline tax administration. Such measures will assist to strengthen internal financing for the second phase of the National Strategy for Transformation (NST2) and assist Rwanda to attain its development goals.

This tax alert provides an insight on the rationale for these changes, the timelines for their implementation and how we expect they will shape Rwanda’s future in the short, medium and long term.

Contact us

Paul Frobisher Mugambwa

Paul Frobisher Mugambwa

Director, PwC Rwanda

Tel: +250 (0) 252 588203

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