Accounting advice and consultation

For all organisations that need high quality accounting advice, we have the breadth and depth of knowledge and technical expertise to help. We are the world's leading audit and assurance organisation and our global audit clients include almost half of the FTSE 100 and Fortune 500. Our financial accounting and technical accounting advice, support tools, guidance, and training will help improve the quality of your company's financial reporting.

Key services

  • Accounting and regulatory advice on IFRS, including specialists in complex areas such as process improvement, information security, valuations, share programs, listings
  • Training in Slovene Accounting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), or US GAAP
  • Advising on specific accounting issues and on implementing new accounting standards and principles
  • Advice on Preparing financial statements, recommendations for doing it effectively, advice on the implementation of tools supporting preparation of the financial statements
  • Accounting developments seminars
  • Technical update seminars on corporate governance and financial reporting
  • COMPERIO - an online library of global financial reporting literature

Contact us

Thomas Magill

Thomas Magill

CEE Financial Services and Risk Management Partner, PwC Slovenia

Primož Kovačič

Primož Kovačič

Partner, Assurance Leader, PwC Slovenia

Damjan Ahčin

Damjan Ahčin

Director, Assurance, PwC Slovenia

Anja Gorenc

Anja Gorenc

Director, Assurance, PwC Slovenia

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