Personal Taxes and Labour Legislation

PricewaterhouseCoopers offers you entire spectrum of tax services in the area of taxation of natural persons. Our specialists understand your individual needs and follow your aims, whereby informing you about any relevant tax and other changes.

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Compliance with Personal Income Tax Law

Not only do we prepare opinions on tax issues, but also perform audits on the accuracy of calculations and payments of personal taxes. A tax audit may be performed as an audit of compliance with the relevant Personal Income Tax Act or as an in-depth analysis, depending on your needs.

We recommend performing a compliance audit periodically through out longer periods, with an in-depth analysis when significant changes have been introduced in the tax legislation. The compliance audit can refer to the entire tax period or can cover shorter periods.

PricewaterhouseCoopers in Slovenia is offering the following services with respect to personal income taxation:

  • Consulting services
  • Tax audit on calculation and payment of personal income taxes

Social security contributions

For our clients we perform registration and deregistration of employees in pension, disability and health insurance and we also advice and review the forms for reporting the salary data, changes in the salary data, paid social security contributions and insurance period.

Assigned workers

Our International Assignment Solutions team can provide you with comprehensive advice and assistance to meet the specific needs of expatriates working in Slovenia and for Slovenian nationals working abroad. We can also provide you with full-service support with the handling of all communications with the Slovenian tax, social and health insurance authorities. This includes also the preparation and filing of personal income tax returns and social security reports. This alleviates you of the problems involved with administration, and allows you to concentrate on the productivity of your workforce.

Labour legislation

Slovenian labour legislations is considered to be very specific and is represented by the Labour Relationship Act and Collective Agreements. PricewaterhouseCoopers can help you with respect to any questions that may arise with respect to labour legislation. On the basis of long years of experience and professional knowledge, we shall present you the optimal and compliant solution.

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