VAT and other indirect taxes

Slovenia’s EU accession in 2004 had a major impact on VAT legislation and practice in Slovenia. Although the VAT law and VAT system are now broadly similar in each Member State of the European Union, there are still significant differences. Whether you are trading locally, or are involved in cross-border transactions, it is essential to monitor and manage your VAT costs and to ensure that you comply with all of the relevant legislation.

As VAT has different implications for different businesses, PwC has established a specialized department to address this complex area. By working with direct tax and accounting specialists, and with VAT experts from our network of international PwC firms, we are able to offer you a comprehensive approach to this important area of your business.

Our services include:

  • VAT, excise duty and customs consulting services
  • A detailed VAT compliance review, including recommendations to address risks and reduce costs
  • Representing clients in tax inspections
  • Preparation of VAT returns
  • Helping foreign companies obtain VAT refunds
  • VAT registration

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