Brainery for Business Online

Interactive online educational programme for companies

About Brainery for Business Online

At Brainery for Business Online Programme we focus on the development of "Future skills" competencies for your employees and teach them to think more comprehensively, more critically, understand human behavior, manage tense situations, their own emotional world and think beyond established standards and adaptively.
The content reflects current trends and needs and so provides you with scientifically based, multi-disciplinary knowledge which can be put into practice with immediate effect.
Olivia delivers the programme in an attractive online environment as relaxing and effective as if it were live and face to face; the experience is truly "Home 2 Home".
You will experience 5 modules and all the content is based on the latest knowledge from the behavioural sciences, social sciences and neurobiology. We follow the motto: "If we go against our own biology, we cannot succeed".


"If we go against our own biology, we cannot succeed"

We transformed all these skills into 5 main educational modules:
Olívia Hurbanová

Olívia has been awarded the Tutor of the Year award. She focuses on the application of behavioural sciences to business, communication and education. Olívia also utilizes knowledge from neurobiology and evolutionary biology. Her training also uses virtual reality, which allows participants to feel and realize the imperfections of thinking and teaches how to change established decision-making patterns.

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Programme information

Who is it for?

All those, who wish to develop their necessary future skills and competencies. 


10 online sessions / 3 hours each


1 950 EUR / participant

Group discounts available!

Contact us

PwC's  Academy

PwC's Academy

Educational Institute, PwC Slovakia

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