Operational Excellence

Transform® – PwC solution for business transformation and sales and operations improvements

20% productivity increase at a glass company

  • 20% increase in productivity via a 14% headcount reduction and improvement of operational processes
  • costs cut by EUR 3.1 million – company became the second most effective plant on the European market in its sector 
  • project duration: 10 months

Increase in efficiency of the sales department at a company which develops and produces plastics

  • based on the Transform® solution, the company experienced rapid sales revenues growth 
  • total sales revenues grew by 15%
  • project duration: 9 months

Transform® is a complex transformation solution developed by PwC which has been successfully applied all over the world, including Slovakia. The tool assesses problems companies face, implements changes to operational processes, and creates specific solutions that accelerate growth to increase profitability. Results are achieved quickly and are manifested in real savings with a direct impact on P&L.

We will work with you to:

  • identify visions and assess goals;
  • prioritise identified issues; 
  • define improvement initiatives and implementation steps; and 
  • design the project plan to make the change happen.

Transformation brings many changes. Our team will:

  • guide you through the process of installing and implementing the components of a transformed organ-isation; 
  • train your people to achieve the change initiative’s goals to maintain the change; and  
  • apply monitoring mechanisms to sustain the implemented changes.

We will identify all specifications and dependencies between change initiatives and change components to implement the change at the organisation in the most effective way to achieve the best possible tangible results.

How we work with clients

PwC experts on process improvement and your employees will work together as a team. Goals are developed and achieved collaboratively. PwC’s role is to provide guidance, proven methodology, tools and supervision, accelerate implementation, mitigate risks, and avoid errors.

Thanks to this joint project management structure and the direct engagement of your employees, you will be able to sustain the solutions and changes we implement after our team leaves your company.

Key benefits

  • direct engagement of your employees from the beginning 
  • real savings with direct impact on P&L
  • our fee is based on actual savings 
  • faster results (3-5 times quicker than if done internally) 
  • strong PwC project management and supervision methodology 
  • minimum disruption of operations 
  • the organisation is able to sustain the changes on its own 
  • joint project and management structure

Contact us

Ivo Doležal

Ivo Doležal

Partner, Consulting Leader, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 259 350 111

Richard Hurka

Richard Hurka

Manager, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 902 652 959

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