Standing up for LGBTI+ community

Let’s turn our values into action with a special and informative gift for the LGBT+ community. Below, you can find some useful tips on how to navigate legal regulations surrounding same sex partnerships and a set of forms for specific legal cases.

9 practical tips to get started

01 Bank

When representing someone at a bank, we recommend requesting  power of attorney from the bank. Each bank has its own guidelines for power of attorney in the official language of that bank/country. There are many various situations where power of attorney may or may not be needed when dealing with a bank – so they will provide you with the correct guidelines.

02 Post Office

When representing someone at the post office (picking up mail, taking over a consignment), you can fill in the power of attorney published by the Post Office online after creating a profile on their website.

03 Close person

The definition stated in § 116 of the Civil Code: “A close person is a relative, a sibling, or a spouse; other persons in a family or in similar relationship are considered to be close to each other if the harm suffered by one of them was reasonably felt by the other as their own harm. ” – the part marked in bold refers to the partner/significant other. When determining whether someone is a close person, what will be taken into account is: whether you share and take care of a common household, manage financial resources together, are aware of each other’s medical records, and whether you commonly represent each other in an official or common capacity. Based on these, the close relationship can be demonstrated. It’s also determined whether you would consider harm to the other a harm to yourself – it will be assessed whether this interest is mutual and that you help each other.

04 Secure official copies

You can secure a copy of your power of attorney or affidavit in case the original is lost or damaged. This can be done in person (by getting a copy from a notary) or secure in electronic version. The electronic version can be converted by a public notary. Just ask the notary to convert the written power of attorney/affidavit into a digital formal and send it to your email or upload it to a USB key.

05 Power of Attorney

In practice, it is not necessary for the person granted power of attorney to assent. This is considered a unilateral legal action and therefore the document doesn’t need to be signed by the person accepting power of attorney. You can use this argument if challenged that the power of attorney was not accepted by the agent.

It’s also important to note that granting someone power of attorney does not deprive you of the right to take action yourself in regards to the scope of that particular power of attorney.

06 Certified documents and signatures

You must have the authenticity of documents and signatures confirmed by a notary. Remember that the person whose signature is being verified must always be present during the verification. No other person can sign for them. Don’t forget to always bring a valid ID to the notary.

07 Notary costs

Overenie podpisu – 1,99 EUR (bez DPH)

Za osvedčenie zhody odpisu alebo fotokópie s listinou – za každú, aj začatú stranu listiny, ktorej odpis alebo fotokópia sa osvedčuje – 1,33 EUR (bez DPH).

08 Changing your name

It’s possible to request a name change at your district office. However, the approval ultimately depends on the subjective decision of the clerk the request is submitted to.

09 Preparing a Will

(see § 476 – § 480 of Act no. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code 40/1964 Coll. – Civil Code – SLOV-LEX). Each will must state the day, month, and year it was signed – otherwise it’s invalid. A handwritten will must be written and signed by one’s own hand, otherwise it’s  invalid.

Get your forms here

Power of Attorney - Universal - download document

Power of Attorney - Medical Documentation - download document

Power of Attorney - Motor Vehicle - download document

Power of Attorney - Property - download document

Power of Attorney - Post Office - download document

Affidavit - Close Person (law) - download document

Request to change a last name/surname - download document

Contact us

Jana Grošeková

Jana Grošeková

Corporate Sustainability Senior Specialist, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 910 667 550

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