Bratislava, 15 March 2023 – 46% of CEOs in Slovakia and 39% of CEOs globally say that their organisations will not be economically viable in a decade if they continue on their current path. This issue, which was commented on by 142 CEOs in Slovakia and 4,410 CEOs from 105 countries, is one of the most important in PwC´s latest CEO survey.
At the Slovak CEO Discussion Forum held on 15 March 2023, where business leaders discussed the CEO survey results, Peter Krutil, Board Chairman and CEO of Slovenská sporiteľňa, received The Most Respected CEO 2022 Award, based on the vote of the Slovak CEO survey respondents. The award has been presented by PwC and Forbes since 2013. In past years, it has been awarded to Richard Marko, Vladimír Soták, Igor Vida, Tomáš Drucker, Štefan Rosina, Šimon Šicko and Peter Krutil.
The CEO survey shows it is extremely important to reinvent business models that will be continue to be successful in the future. CEOs are also seeing major short-term challenges to the economy development, with three-quarters of them expecting a decline in the coming year.
Pessimism of CEOs´ in Slovakia on development of economy and business growth hits record high
The biggest short-term challenge CEOs face is the development of the economy. Unsurprisingly, nearly 68% of CEOs in Slovakia and 73% of CEOs globally expect global economic growth to slow in the next 12 months. These expectations are true across all major economies, and represent a significant turnaround from last year, when a similar proportion (73% of CEOs in Slovakia) expected global growth to accelerate. Last year´s optimism prior to the start of the war in Ukraine reflected the hope that economic conditions would continue to improve as the pandemic receded. Over the last year, however, geopolitical uncertainty, soaring energy and commodity prices, rising wage costs and inflation have substantially altered expectations. CEOs in Slovakia have even less confidence in the growth of the local economy than in the global economy. Up to 74% of CEOs in Slovakia expect the Slovak economy to decline, while in other countries globally the average is 59%, and 65% in Central and Eastern Europe countries.
CEOs are implementing cost-cutting measures, optimising costs, and looking to increase revenues – but are not planning to cut salaries, reduce headcount or delay deals
Optimisation in organisations is in full swing; up to 90% of CEOs in Slovakia are planning to reduce/are reducing their operating costs, 84% are planning to raise/are raising prices of their products and services, 76% are searching for alternative suppliers and diversifying their product and service offerings. CEOs are reevaluating their ongoing projects (67% of CEOs in Slovakia) and slowing investments (47%).
Labour and skill shortages were identified by most CEOs in Slovakia (95%) as the factors most likely to affect the profitability of their industry over the next decade. In second and third places, they cited changing customer demand and preferences, and supply chain disruptions. They also cited changes in regulation, revolutionary advanced technologies, and new market entrants from adjacent industries in that order. The least CEOs in Slovakia, only 56%, referred to transition to new energy sources.
CEOs are planning to invest in future technology
Up to 81% of CEOs in Slovakia are planning to invest in process and system automation in the next 12 months, 79% in further education and improving workforce skills in priority areas, and 65% in introducing new technologies (cloud, AI or other advanced technologies). In total, approximately 60% of investment is related to redefining and changing company´s business model and focus, while 40% of the surveyed CEOs want to keep their current business model.
“Ensuring a balance between investing in the present and the future is one of the main tasks of CEOs, and consistency and coherence in this area have a direct impact on allocation of corporate investments. Investing in technology is often a top priority. The 3:2 ratio of investing in future business to maintaining the current business model was remarkably consistent across the investment spectrum.”
CEOs in Slovakia consider the quality of education to be a threat comparable to the inflation threat
In Slovakia, the factors that threaten business success remain unchanged from each of the previous years, namely energy prices, the quality of the education system, and inflation in that order. This is followed by the increasing tax and levy burden, which is one of the top threats to business every year. The survey showed a new factor of concern – political instability, the influence of extremist political parties and law enforcement.
To find out more about the Slovak PwC CEO Survey 2023, visit:
Information about the PwC Global CEO Survey is available at:
The survey was conducted by PwC in cooperation with the Slovak edition of Forbes Magazine for the thirteenth time. The CEOs included in the survey responded by completing on-line questionnaires from 15 December 2022 to 7 February 2023. The survey was completed by 142 general directors of companies operating in Slovakia in various industries. Up to 86% of respondents are CEOs of privately owned companies; 60% of respondents are CEOs of entities belonging to a group of several companies owned by the same parent company; 54% of respondents are CEOs of owner-managed companies, 25% of respondents are from family-owned companies; 16% of respondents are CEOs of companies with revenues from USD 50 mil. to 100 mil.; 53% of respondents are CEOs of companies with revenues up to USD 50 mil., 72% of respondents are CEOs of companies with fewer than 500 employees; and 72% of respondents are CEOs of companies with more than 500 employees.
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