Bratislava, 21 June 2023 – Martin Gallovič will become Country Managing Partner of PwC in Slovakia and its approx. one thousand employees from 1 July 2023. He became the leading audit partner in 2020 and will continue to lead the largest audit department in Slovakia with more than 400 audit specialists with offices in Bratislava and Košice.
"I would like to thank the partners in Slovakia and the management of PwC Central Eastern Europe for the trust I have received. It is an honour to lead the largest consulting company in Slovakia. My goal is to bring value to clients, employees and our company. I want to bring new, modern services to our clients in Slovakia and abroad, so we can grow and progress together. It will also be my priority to continue to build an attractive working environment using the most modern technologies, so our company is an extremely attractive employer for highly qualified specialists and talented young people. I will seek to make PwC ever more successful and help build a better Slovakia via our activities."
Martin Gallovič became a partner in 2017 and was responsible for the audit of financial institutions, primarily banks and insurance companies, and for accounting consultancy services. Since 2014, he has led a team providing accounting consulting services under IFRS and Slovak accounting standards. He has regularly led training at the PwC Academy on current and upcoming IFRS standards.
From 2004 to 2011, he worked in the audit department at PwC Los Angeles and specialized in the audit of financial institutions. He graduated from the Faculty of Management of the Comenius University in Bratislava and began his professional career as an auditor at PwC in Prague. He is a certified statutory auditor in Slovakia.
PwC is the largest consulting company in Slovakia according to the TREND Top consulting companies ranking of the TREND weekly according to data for 2012-2021.
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