Bratislava, 3 April 2023 – Mr Ján Skorka is a new director of the tax department at PwC Slovakia, with responsibility for indirect taxes as of 1 April 2023.
Mr Skorka has worked in taxes since 2004 and is a licensed tax advisor. He is also active at the Slovak Chamber of Tax Advisors as a member of the VAT methodological and legislative committee for VAT and has been head of the disciplinary committee since 2016, having been re-elected twice. He regularly gives lectures at professional events, such as Methodological Days and the Czecho-Slovak Forum.
His clients are primarily companies from the banking and insurance sectors, but also technological, real estate, and manufacturing businesses. He collaborates with the Slovak Bank Association and the Slovak Association of Leasing Companies.
Mr Skorka specialises in tax audits, appeal proceedings, and tax disputes, for which he received the ITR World Tax Highly Regarded for Tax Controversy Award for 2022 and 2023. He also has extensive experience with tax automation and big data analysis projects.
I am looking forward to the new company, colleagues, projects, new opportunities and challenges. I hope that my long experience will be beneficial and that I will be able to strengthen my team at PwC.