PwC is expanding its services in Slovakia

Intelligent Processing Centre zásadne rozširuje oblasť pôsobnosti PwC na Slovensku v súlade so svetovými trendami

Bratislava, 27/06/2023 – PwC is expanding its portfolio in Slovakia to include managed services and is opening a new competence centre. This will focus on services in risk management, and management of financial, tax and reporting processes for clients globally. In the next three years, PwC will create dozens of new jobs here.

PwC Slovak headquarters are in Bratislava and it has operated on the Slovak market for 32 years. It has maintained its position as the largest consulting firm with the most extensive portfolio of consulting services in Slovakia over the long term. It is continually growing and offers job opportunities for people from Slovakia and abroad. A new competence centre – the Intelligent Processing Centre (IPC) will be based in Bratislava's Twin City, which will provide clients with services in risk management, management of tax, financial and reporting operations, and support with the development of application solutions and IT infrastructure.

Companies often outsource part or all of their back office processes. With the growing complexity of multinational legislation and regulations, more and more complex tax, financial and reporting functions are left to external service providers - a specialist in the given field, such as PwC, can ensure the correctness of the application at a professional level. IPC is now in its pilot phase and already employs more than 50 employees and we plan to expand its services. It applies the managed services concept, which differs from the standard outsourcing model by providing high added value, supported by the use of the latest technologies.

"PwC Intelligent Processing Centre represents our unique approach to providing professional services. We can take over selected operational processes for our clients, so they can focus on their core business. Thanks to our expertise, PwC many years of experience in the financial, tax, and process areas and the use of the latest technologies and systems, we provide reliable services at the highest level,"

said Karsten Hegel, CEE Export Leader and PwC Partner in Slovakia.

"In the near future, managed services will be the preferred operating model for selected areas in companies across the entire spectrum of different sectors, which is why we plan to open dozens of new job positions at IPC in the next three years,"

added Christiana Serugová, a PwC Partner in Slovakia responsible for Tax and Legal Services.
Christina Serugová

"The benefit for clients is the opportunity to invest the saved time and resources in technological innovations and business development,"

added Karsten Hegel.

The use of IPC’s services will mean lower operating costs for companies, while maintaining high quality. In addition to reducing costs and guaranteeing the quality of services, PwC will provide clients with access to highly specialized knowledge via its specialists in individual areas. In addition to business processes, the new centre will provide support for the development of application solutions in various programming languages, as well as IT infrastructure support.

About PwC

PwC is the largest consulting company in Slovakia according to the TREND Top consulting companies ranking of the TREND weekly according to data for 2012-2021.

At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 152 countries with more than 328,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at

PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.

Contact us

Martin Gallovič

Martin Gallovič

Country Managing Partner, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 259 350 111

Mariana Butkovská

Mariana Butkovská

Marketing & Communications Leader, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 904 941 500

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