PwC services provided by Alteryx Platform

5 successful client cases of the implementation

Alteryx services by pwc

The Alteryx software platform offers a wide range of tools for data analysis, data preparation and process automation. It enables users from various industries to extract, clean, transform and analyze data. Alteryx can rapidly process large amounts of data and perform real-time analytical operations, enabling its users to gain quick insights about their data.

Read more about how a Alteryx platform solution has helped our clients accelerate transformation via automation and data optimization, and find out how many hours of work you can save per year with business solutions from PwC.

How automated transfer pricing adjustments saved 480+ hours

Manual work on transfer pricing adjustments in Excel spreadsheets can take a lot of working hours. Platforms like Alteryx change the game by automating these tasks and extending them to produce the results, which can then be uploaded to the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.

How an Alteryx solution helped our client

For a Pharma client with 40 entities, the PwC team has created an Alteryx workflow which automatically:

  • determines whether an adjustment is needed to land in the target margin range
  • calculates each entity’s adjustment needed to hit the desired rate
  • accounts for differences between distributors
  • accounts for correct target margin by country
  • auto pairs transactions with trading partners
  • completes a summary tab, and
  • ultimately populates a spreadsheet for Journal Entries for accounting

The process can be run on a monthly basis, not quarterly, as previously.

More benefits

Total time saving is estimated to be 480+ hours a year and can be saved by automating transfer pricing adjustments.

More benefits

Since the outputs are prepared by the automation tool, the accounting team has enough time available to carefully review unbalanced entries and investigate reconciling items.

Total time saving is estimated to be 150+ hours a year.

A faster and more accurate month-end closing

For the close process that always has to be completed in a short timeframe, multiple reports may need to be pulled from various systems and formatted for Journal Entry postings or supporting workpapers. Sounds familiar?

By leveraging robotic process automation (RPA) and Alteryx, the PwC team has built a solution that:

  • automatically pulls all the required reports
  • formats data for Journal Entry posting in the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system
  • completes data preparation and reconciliation tasks in a short time
  • mitigates the risk of manual errors.




How commercial billing automation can save your time and prevent mistakes

Our client was looking for ways to streamline their payment team’s process of calculating payments owed to partner vendors. We created an Alteryx workflow that helped save 350+ hours a year.

What was the problem?

  • The payments team would manually sift through invoice data from the billing system to calculate payments owed to partner vendors.
  • The billing system could not be relied upon because of custom rules / logic required for discount calculations and contract pricing.
  • In the past, review of manually recalculated partner payments in Excel spreadsheets revealed formula errors as well.

The Alteryx-based solution created by the PwC team brought the following benefits:

  • Invoice detail data is automatically analyzed and recalculated to determine partner discounts and payments
  • An upload template for the ERP system is created
  • The Alteryx workflow prepares a review package
  • The new automated approach allows for flexibility in “coding” payment rules and ensures a consistent application of those rules throughout the process

More benefits

The automation saves around 32 hours per month of data preparation time. In addition, it expedites the review. The estimated total time saving is 350+ hours a year.

More benefits

The automation helps save around 60-250 hours annually.

Automated and risk-averse VAT compliance for your company

Preparation of monthly VAT reports usually involves lengthy manual processing of raw data from enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Only after that, the data is clean, copied in the computations file and ready to undergo analysis and calculations.

The PwC team has created an Alteryx workflow that fully automates the process from the start to the prepared reports ready to be submitted to the authorities.

Our solution with Ateryx

  • Automatically processes raw export files from the ERP software, cleans the data and analyses it
  • Performs the required calculations and generates reports
  • Detects discrepancies in data, corrects it or warns the user
  • Produces a full audit trail of the preparation process
  • Automatically checks the validity of customers’ and suppliers’ VAT numbers by connecting to publicly available databases (i.e. EU VIES database and other local databases)

How to streamline monthly financial reporting to headquarters with Alteryx

On a monthly basis, our client prepares an internal reporting package for headquarters. To make this process more efficient and smooth-running, we helped them to automate it.

What was the issue?  

For several days, the finance team was manually gathering the data from multiple systems and in different structures and formats to combine it into one large report on a spreadsheet. 

Limitations of the standard spreadsheet software caused a slow computation process. As a result, the reviewing employee was not able to perform the cross-checks properly, and human errors were difficult to identify in the report.

What was the solution?

Using the powerful capabilities of Alteryx and in collaboration with the client, the PwC team mapped the entire process, defined which parts are suited for automation and designed an Alteryx workflow which generates the required report. 

Furthermore, our team also incorporated the review steps into the automation solution, resulting in an even smoother process to prepare the final report.

More benefits

The human error factor was also eliminated from the process.

This solution helped to save around 200–220 hours annually and opened a gate to other process automation in the company.

What was the result?

The automation solution delivers the internal report in the required structure and format, and the cross-checks’ results in 15 minutes, almost without any manual input from employees.

Do you have manual process in your organisation that is taking away valuable hours from you or your team? Let’s discuss how we can help.

Contact us

Dagmar  Haklová

Dagmar Haklová

Partner & TLP Leader, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 911 425 109

Tomáš Chovanec

Tomáš Chovanec

Manager, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421259350279

Martin  Srnka

Martin Srnka

Director, Risk Assurance, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 902 953 854

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