ESG Management Solution

Transforming your raw and scattered ESG data into valuable assets, ready to be reported

Our solution helps you to collect ESG data, calculate indicators, set and track ESG KPIs, export reports or preview data in interactive dashboards from across all your entities. It will also facilitate the reporting process, ensure consistent calculations while keeping your ESG data safe and accessible from a single spot. This will help you to be in compliance with ESG regulations, share ESG data with stakeholders and strategically manage ESG performance.

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ESG Management Solution

The only tool you need for ESG reporting

  • The ESG Management Solution is developed for companies subject to NFRD reporting directive (in the future CSRD), and for companies that decide to report and manage their ESG data voluntarily. This ESG software was orchestrated specifically in collaboration with the PwC sustainability teams.
  • The Solution enables full management transparency and control over the ESG indicators and KPIs. All data can be generated at the level of individual entities or as a group consolidated report. Upon request, we can customise the dashboards and export reports to meet your needs.
  • The Solution allows a high level of flexibility among others by the possibility to set your own KPIs, choose indicators to report, and decide between using your own variables (e.g., emission factors) for calculation or data from internationally recognised databases.


  • The team management functionalities allow collaboration across different entities and the cooperation of several people through the possibility of checking on progress, assigning tasks, setting automatic notifications or deadlines.
  • The Solution includes a document library where you can store all relevant documents and have all your ESG data in one spot. The library also includes guidelines and manuals related to ESG reporting to make the process easier.
  • Upon request, we can customise the Solution fully to your needs by connecting the tool to existing data or reporting systems (through APIs or cloud data integration tools) or technology for text recognition (OCR) to automatise the data input.
  • The Solution tracks activities, allows data locking and exports the reports with detailed log history and calculation details for facilitating future audits and ensuring high level of data protection.

Benefits of using PwC solution for ESG transparency


Support for your strategy

Integrated dashboards provide your management with the required level of transparency and together with KPI tracking functionalities enabling and improving the strategic management of sustainability by both C- and B-level management.


Easy data mining

The ESG Management Solution provides the means to streamline and automate the input of sustainability data based on NFRD and CSRD regulations, saving your time and money. You can have all your ESG data and documents in one place and manage them effectively.


Access to global know-how

PwC sustainability teams have been implementing ESG solutions and tools across the globe. We are ready to support your compliance and provide you with the combined professional experience of our staff.

We provide you with full support

PwC sustainability team which has years of experience of providing clients with ESG services and can help you to integrate the Solution into your existing ESG strategy or help you to set the whole ESG agenda based on your needs. We offer among others:

  • Materiality assessment and stakeholder dialogue.
  • ESG reporting process design.
  • ESG risk management and model preparation.
  • Company and product carbon footprint calculation or verification.
  • Supply chain due diligence/audit.
  • ESG report preparation.
  • Decarbonisation strategy and preparation for SBTi verification.
  • ESG KPIs setting.
  • EU Taxonomy technical criteria calculation or verification.

Our team of developers and data experts can customise the Solution to your needs among others by:

  • Creating the APIs to connect current reporting systems or software or using OCR technology to automate the data input.
  • Including additional KPIs, reports or indicators.
  • Creating tailored dashboards or integrating the ESG data from the application to existing dashboards.
  • Deploying the solution in your Azure cloud and providing necessary individual support.

ESG Management Solution Application

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Contact us

Štefan Čupil

Štefan Čupil

Partner, Risk Assurance Leader, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 911 964 212

Marek Frecer

Marek Frecer

Senior Manager, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 915 998 429

Erika Vitálošová

Erika Vitálošová

Director, ESG leader, PwC Slovakia

Tel: +421 911 423 309

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