Carbon footprint calculation

Carbon footprint calculation is part of life-cycle assessment

Benefits of carbon footprint tracking using GHG protocol methodology

Carbon footprint of a company
The carbon footprint of a company is a significant measure of it’s impact on the environment. It represents an indirect indicator of the consumption of energy, products, and services and measures the amount of carbon footprint which corresponds to a company’s activities or products.

Product carbon footprint
The carbon footprint of a product includes greenhouse gas emissions produced during a product’s life cycle, from extraction of raw materials up to waste disposal.

Benefits of carbon footprint tracking include:

Competitive advantage

■ improved perception by customers and stakeholders.

Corporate commitment

■ for small or large companies, a green commitment is becoming an integral part of corporate strategy.

Demand from customers and suppliers

■ customers receiving services or products and suppliers may require information on carbon footprint.

Interest of investors

■ more and more companies present data on their carbon footprint in the global Carbon Disclosure Project Database, which collects information for investors.

Cost saving

■ identification of which part of a company’s activities consumes the largest amount of energy and resources and where there is possibility of cost saving.

Green marketing

■ an increasing number of customers care about the impact of  products on the climate and environment.

Carbon footprint calculation 

Methodology framework – The GHG protocol is a global corporate standard for carbon footprint measurement and reporting. It standardizes the measurement, management, and reporting of Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by a company. GHG protocol was created jointly by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

The GHG protocol categorizes emissions related to company operations into three scopes (areas) and has become a widely used international standard.

Scope 1 - Direct GHG emissions

Emissions which are released directly into the air generated by activities controlled or owned by an organization:

  • Emissions from boilers, furnaces, or generators burning fossil fuels at companies
  • Emissions from mobile sources (e.g. motor vehicles) owned by the company
  • Emissions from industrial processes
  • Emissions from waste or wastewater treatment from installations run by the company

Scope 2 - Indirect GHG emissions from energy

Emissions associated with the consumption of purchased energy:

  • Emissions which are not generated directly at the company, but are the result of the company’s activities
  • Emissions from sources that are not directly controlled by the company, but the company has a significant influence on their size

Scope 3 - Other GHG indirect emissions

Emissions resulting from the company’s activities which are outside the company’s control or ownership:

  • Emissions not classified in Scope 2
  • Business travel, waste disposal, purchase and transport of material by a third party
  • Broadest and least precisely defined category

PwC Slovakia can help you with:

  • The calculation of your company’s carbon footprint based on the GHG protocol in combination with EN ISO 14 067 for specific products; or with
  • An audit of the carbon footprint calculation – preparation of a Limited Assurance Report in accordance with ISAE 3410.

And with:

  • The preparation of methodologies for using the calculation at your company;
  • The interpretation of results; and
  • The preparation of reports.

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