Green corporate strategy development

The implementation of EU climate strategies and goals, and the implementation of national energy and climate action plans will affect many sectors of the economy over the coming decades. The energy sector is not the only sector that will need to be decarbonized. Other major GHG emitters include the metallurgical, cement, chemical, and petrochemical industries.

Decarbonization and the meeting of climate goals will be an extensive challenge for companies operating in these sectors. Some sectors will be phased out, which means that companies must appropriately set up a strategy and transform themselves to remain profitable and competitive in a shrinking market. In other sectors, technological changes and increases in energy efficiency will be necessary to reduce GHG emissions while remaining price competitive.

However, there is also a third strategic option for some sectors and some companies – to use the need for decarbonization and market changes related to climate goals as a strategic opportunity to diversify their business, or to change completely their focus by phasing out carbon-intensive activities and moving into new business areas.

However, green business strategies are not just a challenge for carbon-intensive sectors. They are also important for companies that are not major GHG emitters, whether due to the need to build the image of a socially responsible business, or due to further development and exploitation of opportunities and subsidies related to green and sustainable economy.

As regards the development of a green business strategy, we can assist you in all these areas – we can analyse global and local trends related to ESG, the green economy, and decarbonization, analyse your market, your sector and competition, assess the strategy and strategic skills at your company, design the required vision and strategic pillars and priorities, and draft a strategy implementation plan.

PwC’s approach to the development of green business strategies:

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