CEE is the top region of choice for Shared Service Centres and Business Process Outsourcing (SSC & BPO) investments. This is driven by its central location and cultural proximity to Western Europe, the availability of highly educated staff and a comprehensive investment support system in countries such as Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Romania.
The business service centre segment has been one of the fastest growing industries in Slovakia over the past decade. Currently, there are more than 60 centres with over 40 000 employees which provide a large range of services to their corporations and clients across Europe and globally. Many of the centres have become centres of excellence, but continue to face challenges, such as the need for the digital upskilling of their people and extensive automation of their processes.
PwC Slovakia is the largest provider of assurance services to global SSCs in Slovakia. Our services are based on a fully standardised and centralised audit of companies’ internal controls and accounting processes. We provide the results of our services to group auditors and coordinate our work with a large number of local audit teams in Europe and around the globe. Thus, our service approach continuously reflects the business strategies of SSC to standardise, centralise and digitalise their operations.
Partner, Assurance, Audit of shared service centers, PwC Slovakia
Tel: +421 903 447 754