As new and more complex forms of doing business develop, income tax is also being amend-ed to keep pace. Recently, the scope and frequency of these amendments have accelerated due to international requirements, especially as part of the programme for combating tax base erosion and profits shifting (BEPS).
To comply with tax obligations in a correct and cost-effective way, businesses must be familiar with the extensive tax legislation and the related methodical instructions and also have experience and be constantly in contact with the tax environment. Our corporate tax specialists can assist you with all of this and will be delighted to use their knowledge and experience for your benefit.
We can help you meet your corporate income tax return requirements. We will use our expertise to complete tasks professionally and effectively on your behalf, saving your time and resources for activities adding value to your business. Depending on the size and level of tax experience of your internal financial department, you can choose the appropriate level of our assistance with your company’s tax return:
In addition, using cooperation within the PwC network in the respective countries, we can intermediate for you the appropriate consulting on similar non-Slovak tax obligations of Slo-vak providers with regard to specific supplies to their foreign business partners.