Do you import goods from non-EU countries? Are you paying import customs duties?
You may qualify for customs suspensions!
Customs suspensions allow EU producers to import goods subsequently used in production without paying import customs duties during a certain period (e.g. 2 years).
Which products can be subject to customs suspensions?
Raw materials, semi-finished goods, or components not available or produced within the EU, or not in sufficient amount, with the exception of “finished products”.
Finished products used as components in the final product, provided the added value of such an assembly operation is sufficiently high.
Equipment or material to be used in the production process.
What are the conditions to apply for the customs suspensions?
The goods have to be integral to the production process operated by EU producer, i.e. they must be classified as inputs to the production.
Such goods must not be available within the EU in the required amount or quality.
It must not be possible to decrease the import customs duties in another way or apply other specific measures.
The yearly saving on the import duties has to be at least EUR 15.000.