When your company enters into major transactions such as a lease, divestment, disposal, employee benefit scheme, issuance of debt, restructuring of debt, etc., we can offer the following services:
- Provide accounting interpretation and impact of the arrangement
- Define possible options and their impact on KPIs,financial statements
- Develop or review accounting policies
- Advise on the classification and the implication of operating vs. financing leasing - pre and post agreement advices
- Advise on debt vs. equity financing - pre and post issuance of debt / equity instrument advices
- Assist in restructuring of bad loans and transactions with old receivables
- Employee benefits and share based payments advices – accounting of existing or structuring of new ones
- Joint arrangement advices – joint venture vs. joint operation
- Support in allocation of capex into fixed asset components, designing allocation schemes, defining capex and opex, reconstruction of fixed asset register
When your company is unsure about potential embedded derivatives in complex contracts or is implementing or changing a hedging policy, we can offer the following services:
- Identification of embedded derivatives in contracts
- Defining the hedging strategy, hedging policy and assistance with documentation requirements