Smart Cities

Bringing new technologies and reimagining the future of our urban spaces to ensure tomorrow’s cities work for everyone

The development of smart cities – enabled, powered and integrated by digital technologies – is set to be one of the crowning achievements of societies worldwide in the 21st century. Today, governments, businesses and residents are making even greater use of technology to achieve their goals. Intelligent digital services are making city living easier, more fulfilling and more secure.

Yet the transformation of our cities has just begun, and the evolution of smart cities needs more than just technology. Local governments and the private sector must work together to turn their vision of connected, efficient, and round-the-clock citizen services into reality.

As citizens’ expectations grow and urban populations continue to expand, the pace of progress and need for innovation isn’t likely to let up. Learn more about how PwC is empowering and equipping cities around the world, preparing for a future in which they will thrive.


Contact us

NSN Murty

Partner & Leader, Smart Cities, PwC India

Tel: +91 81302 78181

Gary Sharkey

Global Sustainability, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7213 4658

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