Electronic workflow: time for changes


Did your business face workflow and document management issues during the pandemic? Or would you like to simplify paperwork and reduce time? We recommend that you consider  migrating to electronic workflow (EWF) and the use of electronic signature.

EWF is a comprehensive set of processes and tools for creating, processing and exchanging documentation (electronic workflow), which may significantly simplify and optimize routine workflow within any company.

You may discover  their obvious benefits both when working remotely and in the office.

Important aspects of EWF implementation:
  1. The use of electronic forms of documents is directly permitted by the legislation of Ukraine. Electronic documents are recognized by government bodies as valid and accepted as evidence by the courts. 

  2. The tax authorities have the right to require the submission of documents during the audit in electronic form from large taxpayers. 

  3. An electronic document has the same legal force as a paper document, if it contains the mandatory details envisaged for a similar paper document, therefore when forming it, the mandatory requirements according to the current legislation, were met. 

  4. The main requirement for an electronic document’s validity is the use of electronic signature, the use of which completes the creation of an electronic document.

  5. The procedure of the EWF implementation is currently not envisaged by the Ukrainian legislation. In order to successfully implement EWF, companies are encouraged to take certain steps, which we are ready to talk about.

  6. Currently, the adoption of the EWF is possible only with residents of Ukraine who use or are ready to use electronic signatures issued by Qualified Electronic Trust Service Providers. We are monitoring the situation on this issue. 

With EWF implementation the contract signing process takes 30 seconds, documents are exchanged instantly, and the office is no longer crowded with piles of invoices and work records, because everything is available online anytime and anywhere. 

PwC in Ukraine is ready to help with advice not only on the legal and tax aspects of EWF implementation, but also on technical issues, namely the implementation of modern digital solutions, analysis of the readiness  of IT solutions to relevant changes and options for implementing new systems or adapting existing ones, the possibility of integrating the chosen solution with the company's accounting systems in the light of the best world practices and features of the existing IT-infrastructure of the company. 

We can also advise you regarding which processes and documents will be safe and appropriate to put online for your company, and in what way and with which digital solutions it would be the most effective. 

We have successful experience in consulting on all legal, tax and technical aspects of EWF  implementation , and we will be happy to share our expertise and experience with you and answer your questions. Among our clients who have already started this process are large Ukrainian and international companies, which  in particular are doing business in the fields of FMCG and IT. 

Contact us!