Investigation of fraud, corruption and other economic crime requires a thorough, professional and independent approach. In the course of our forensic investigations, we usually review financial and nonfinancial data, conduct interviews, capture and review electronic files, explore open source information, aimed at detecting potential indications of fraud and other wrongdoings, as well as to estimate their span, scale and subjects involved.
In our work we also use specialised forensic technology solutions for securing and processing data which helps us to streamline and bring better efficiency into investigation process.
The investigation of fraud, corruption and other economic crime, particularly where the integrity of senior management has been called into question, requires timely and effective response.
Our team of trained investigators includes forensic accountants, lawyers, forensic technology and corporate intelligence experts. This wealth of knowledge and experience can be brought to bear on any investigation, including :
We believe that even the most severe fraud and other wrongdoings can be overcome and help Organisations to emerge stronger. Bearing this in mind, we help Organisations not only to rebound from the occurred wrongdoings, but also enhance their ability to be more resilient to the future unplanned events.
In this light, we help Organisations to consider the wider implications of any misappropriation, bribery and corruption, theft or financial crime and provide practical support and advice in developing a strategic long-lasting response.