Legal Business Solutions

We empower law departments and law firms to think differently, work more effectively, advance innovation and leverage modern technologies that unlock value across the entire legal ecosystem.

Advancing Legal as a strategic value driver

You’re no doubt busier than ever, dealing with complex regulations, business transactions and a host of risk management considerations.

To keep up, law departments and law firms must modernize. That means evolving with the pace of business, handling difficult matters with the same or fewer resources and enhancing legal service delivery models.

PwC can help you advance your team as a strategic value driver. We’ll work with you to rethink your organization’s design, optimize processes and leverage foundational technologies. With our help, you’ll unlock value, create new ways of working and better manage your law department.

Our service offerings

Our Legal Business Solutions team helps corporate attorneys, law departments and law firms think differently, work efficiently, innovate effectively and, ultimately, deliver the right outcomes for their clients. We’ll help you deploy the expertise and technologies you need to focus on higher-value work, control costs and better manage risk and information in your increasingly complicated practice. We offer several service lines across multiple disciplines:

Law department modernization

We can help your organization optimize its law department, unlock new value and better align with the strategic goals of the business. Our services include assessments, benchmarking, organizational design, process optimization, strategic and technology roadmaps, outside counsel strategy, law department integration, cost reduction and containment, reporting and analytics.

PwC US does not provide legal advice or opinion in the United States. Access our Global site to find where our 3,700 Law Firm attorneys around the world are based. PwC US refers to United States member firms. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.

Advancing Legal as a strategic value driver series

Advancing Legal as a strategic value drive is a series that includes insights through webcasts, articles and videos that can help law departments and law firms discover ways to think differently, work more effectively, advance innovation and leverage technology to drive impact to the business.

The journey towards a modern law department; are you fit for growth?

The Office of General Counsel has a key role in the growth strategy of companies, as leaders who help drive and preserve value. And with the current pace and complexity in the capital markets, it’s even more important for CLOs and GCs to be actively part of the business growth strategy, and have a seat at the table with the CEO, CFO and COO.

Explore more on how to efficiently manage risk while growing capacity, how to build or reshape organizations to have the right mix of people, process and technology to meet the needs of increasingly complex businesses, and what success looks like for law departments from the C-Suite perspective.


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