Challenge case study

Business is the place where theory is executed real time, where decisions are made, communication is key, and collaborative, team oriented thinking is a must. These are the conditions PwC seeks to create with our case competitions. PwC launched Challenge (formerly the xTREME Games) in 2002 to increase students’ exposure to professional services and the world of public accounting. Challenge cases address real business issues requiring students to be critical thinkers, collaborative team members and persuasive business advisors. No number crunching exercise, our tax-based case competition is focused on high-level issues designed to test and improve decision making skills. Detailed accounting or tax knowledge is not required to participate.

We are pleased to make materials from a past PwC Challenge Case Competition available for professors to use as they deem appropriate for their students. We hope this will be a valuable resource. Please direct any questions or comments to

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Julie Peters

Julie Peters

University Relations leader, PwC US

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