Partner, PwC US
Blayne has 9 years of experience as a tax professional in PwC’s Dallas and Washington National Tax offices. He is currently a director in the Federal Tax Services group in WNTS. Blayne’s primary areas of technical focus are accounting methods and inventory including the timing of income and deductions, depreciation and amortization, capitalization issues, leasing, and requests for accounting method changes with the Internal Revenue Service. Prior to joining WNTS, Blayne worked in PwC’s Private Company Services practice and had extensive experience working with both public and private companies on US income tax compliance, accounting for income taxes (ASC 740), federal tax consulting, and assistance with federal and state income tax audits.
Blayne is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in the District of Columbia and Texas, and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Blayne is married with two daughters and lives in Alexandria, VA.
His interests include running, reading, and fly fishing.
He volunteers with Mercy Street West Dallas (a mentoring organization focused on building relationships and cultivating future leaders in the West Dallas) and the children’s ministry at First Baptist Church of Alexandria Virginia.
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