US Advisory Clients & Industries Leader, PwC US
With 22 years of consulting experience, Bob has been involved in the design and implementation of improvement strategies for industrial companies in a variety of industries globally. His functional experience spans the manufacturing, supply chain, procurement, engineering, information systems, sales and marketing, and customer service operations areas.
Bob has significant international experience having serviced clients in Europe, Asia, and North America. Bob spent a year consulting and living in the United Kingdom.
Prior to his consulting work, Bob worked for General Motors where he gained experience in manufacturing and production control, and for the Marmon Group in international finance.
Bob is a graduate of the University of Chicago where he obtained an MBA with honors. Bob is also a graduate of the University of Michigan with a BS in operations research and industrial engineering. He is an active member of the community, sitting on boards of various organizations, and he is a frequent speaker at aerospace, automotive and industrial industry events.
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