Principal, Health Industries, PwC US
Paul D’Alessandro, a Principal in PwC’s Advisory practice, leads the Customer Impact Consulting service line and is a regular speaker and writer on word-of-mouth marketing, technology-enabled advertising and new product/platform innovation. His background in high-tech product and telecommunications Experience Design (XD) is extensive, and he bases his approach on unique customer experiences—those that blend the physical place (e.g., home, workplace, retail) with virtual environments, such as online communities, mobility solutions and word-of-mouth networks.
Paul offers clients a fresh perspective on technology-dependent strategy and new product and service design. His exceptional knowledge base includes customer analytics, XD, market assessment and segmentation, and branding, positioning and messaging. Paul uses a results-driven approach to strategic growth through innovation, interactive marketing and XD—a methodology that's been applied from product conception and launch through marketshare leadership buy-in.
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