Suneet  Dua

Suneet Dua

PwC Products & Solutions Leader, PwC US

As PwC’s US Products & Technology Chief Growth Officer, Suneet is responsible for driving more than $1 billion in product revenue and executing PwC’s product revenue strategy.  He’s focused on driving innovation, delivering world-class, forward-thinking products and digitally upskilling the workforce and society at large.  With 20+ years of technology, media and entertainment industry experience, he’s positioned as a catalyst for organizational transformation and delivers on the firm’s promise to solve the world’s most important problems.  

During his tenure as US Chief Product Leader, Suneet, and his team, played a critical role in designing and implementing digital tools that upskilled more than 55,000 of its US employees, which led to the development of PwC’s digital learning platform, ProEdge, that addresses the digital skills gap crisis facing today’s workforce.  He also serves on PwC’s US leadership team and as a board member of PwC’s Trifecta Consulting (US, China, Japan and Mexico). Previously, Suneet was the Chief Simplification Officer and the Global Client Market Leader for PwC’s Global Network.

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