Principal, Consumer Markets, PwC US
Tim, a Partner in PwC’s Strategic Technology practice, focuses on Retail, Consumer, Travel, Transportation, and Hospitality clients. The passion for this set of industries is attributable to his early career experience, where he focused on implementing operational and quality assurance improvements on the manufacturing floor. Today, Tim applies his engineering background, specifically the focus on operational efficiency and high quality outcomes, by helping clients design, deliver, and/or restore their strategic, large scale, technology-enabled projects. Regarding his ability to manage large-scale teams, Tim’s clients say he is a “natural leader” who will “move heaven and earth to deliver projects” by “inspiring others to perform” and “willingness to get into the detail”. They trust Tim to tackle their most strategic, challenging projects – where failure is not an option, and keys to project success are not limited to just the technology delivery team.
A partner who values relationships with a long-term view, for both their personal value and strategic benefit for his clients, Tim embraces client’s unique challenges as his own, whether they fall neatly into his area of focus or require additional expertise, Tim is tenacious in bringing forward the appropriate solution, whether drawn from PwC or his own personal network. He “excels at building people” while keeping focus on client service quality.
When not at work, his talented, engaging two little girls will often take time out of their busy weekend schedule to play with him, where he is constantly reminded of how the rigors of his chosen and family-approved occupation pales in comparison to that of his much appreciated wife. When the girls need a break, he can be found testing the head grounds keeper’s skill set at a local golf course.
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