Global Tax Policy Leader, PwC US
William Morris is PwC’s Global Tax Policy Leader. In this role, he advises companies how best to navigate today’s ever-evolving international business landscape.
Prior to joining PwC, Will spent 17 years at General Electric directing GE’s Global Tax Policy Program. From 1995-97 Will worked at the IRS, and from 1997-2000 worked in the Office of Tax Policy at the U.S. Treasury.
Will was appointed Chair of the AmCham EU Tax Committee (American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union) in Brussels and also Chair of the BIAC Tax Committee (Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD) in Paris. As BIAC Tax Committee Chair, Will has been closely involved in all aspects of the BEPS project, including follow-up and implementation, participating in public OECD consultations, coordinating and filing comments on behalf of business, and meeting with many formal and informal OECD groupings as well as national governments.
Will has degrees in history, law, and theology from Trinity College Cambridge, the University of Virginia, and St Mellitus College, respectively.
PwC's Will Morris, Deputy Global Tax Policy Leader, sits down with PwC's Brennan Marshall to discuss his professional journey, literature and where he's most at...
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