Next in tech 2025: Thriving amid disruption with data, AI and agility
Explore key trends in the tech sector for 2025, including AI, business model reinvention, thriving amid regulatory challenges and evolving market dynamics.
Until a few years ago, the definition of a telecom company was straightforward: a communications services provider with a business model that combined and integrated a wide variety of components, including network infrastructure and operations, proposition development, and sales and service aimed at B2C or B2B customer segments.
What telecom companies will look like in the future is less clear. The fundamental shifts in revenues and value pools identified in PwC’s inaugural Global Telecom OutlookOpens in a new window and its report Perspectives from the Global Telecom Outlook 2023–2027Opens in a new window are forging a new ecosystem, posing threats, and creating new opportunities. As leaders face the coincident challenges of industry reconfiguration and company reinventionOpens in a new window, we’ve identified seven urgent priorities for telecom CEOs. Together, these priorities make up a comprehensive road map to higher value, competitiveness and growth.
In PwC’s 27th Annual Global CEO Survey, 52% of telecom CEOs said they believed their company would no longer be economically viable a decade from now if it continued on its current path, compared with 45% of all CEOs globally.
To ensure the continuation of telecoms’ value-creating potential, leaders need to fundamentally rethink the utility of a vertically integrated carrier model, with a core focus on examining, optimising and potentially separating the distinct business layers. The traditional telecom bundles together an array of very different businesses and activities. Some, such as building the network infrastructure, are capital-intensive and have long-term, utility-style payback profiles. Others, such as innovating products and services, are higher-value and higher-risk but offer a faster payback. Still others, such as operating commerce and service channels, require skills and capabilities that have more in common with retail businesses. Each business requires different management skills, has different capital needs and operates on different planning horizons. Running them together creates inefficiencies and dilutes leadership focus—factors that cause investors to apply a “conglomerate discount” to their valuation.
As the chart below shows, the business can be disaggregated, or delayered, into distinct components, such as “InfraCos” focused on operating passive infrastructure; “NetCos” designed to deliver network utility services; and “ServeCos” offering services to consumers. Doing so can sharpen leadership focus on the primary sources of value, provide greater clarity on strategy, and offer optionality to investors and strategic partners to contribute the necessary capital or capabilities.
Valuation multiples for vertically integrated carriers are typically skewed towards the retail (or “asset-light”) end of the spectrum, even though many of them own and operate significant fixed-asset infrastructure. The chart below illustrates this skewing effect—and also shows the much higher multiples that would likely be applied to the entities owning those fixed assets, if they were to be spun out.
As we’ve noted in Perspectives from the Global Telecom Outlook 2023–2027Opens in a new window, the continuing rise in data usage, a lack of pricing power and the need to make heavy investments in networks are all pressuring margins. Simply put, in both mobile and fixed telecommunications, the data shows that telecom companies are becoming increasingly indistinguishable commodity service utilities (see chart below). To break out of this trend, leaders need to develop and apply competitive fortitude, solidifying their core by repositioning the cost basis, and providing opportunities for growth by earning and exercising pricing power.
The evolving environment offers new tools and imperatives for action. Artificial intelligence (see “Priority 4” section below) promises a step change in productivity and cost-effectiveness in everything from rightsizing customer acquisition and retention spending to driving efficiency in high-volume processes such as supplier/customer contract management. The other big megatrend (after AI) influencing corporate strategy—climate concern—is also a catalyst. Product and network rationalisation is a key contributor to reducing carbon costs and meeting net-zero commitments, while also reducing operating expenditure.
Leaders can use this stronger base to summon the courage to raise prices. Connectivity services are essential to digital life and work, so the likelihood of price increases translating into reduction of demand is low. The risk of competitor churn, although real, is typically limited by the low number of credible alternative providers. The impact of higher prices can be softened when accompanied by attributes that create value.
The customer experience is the fundamental and necessary condition for pricing power. Companies have to rethink the entire customer experience: the network, the device, sales and service, and the potential to provide value-added products and services. Although providing both mobile and fixed broadband is already common, the addition of fixed wireless access is gaining traction and should add momentum to converged customer relationships. And the more that service relationships are established across devices, lines, subscriptions and household members, the lower the propensity is for churn.
In many industries, the cloud has passed the tipping point to near-universal adoption. It is rapidly progressing from an option to a business imperative, offering simplified, more scalable infrastructure and faster innovation. In PwC’s 2023 Cloud Business SurveyOpens in a new window in the US, 78% of executives across sectors said their organisation had adopted cloud computing in most or all parts of its business. In PwC’s parallel EMEA Cloud Business Survey 2023Opens in a new window, 73% of the respondent businesses that were not yet all in on the cloud told us they would have all their operations in the cloud within two years.
Many telecom companies are well on their way to “cloudifying” their IT services and internal enterprise processes, although it will take years for legacy data warehouses, business support systems applications and enterprise resource planning (ERP) environments to complete the move. One key challenge—and opportunity—is to reassess the traditional definition of where application architecture domains start and end. Cloud-native XaaS providers have expanded up and down the value chain. For telecom companies, cloud transformation offers broader benefits and scope because it extends beyond the IT systems to their main customer offering: the core network services. The next wave of value creation lies in cloudification of the network, the largest area of spending from the standpoint of both capital and operating expenditures.
Although the first wave of cloud-native players—including Dish Wireless in the US, 1&1 AG in Germany and Rakuten Mobile in Japan—have yet to fully prove and scale their case, the technical, operational, and economic benefits of cloud-centric operations are undeniable. The PwC EMEA Cloud Business Survey 2023Opens in a new window found that only 47% of telecoms are ‘cloud-mature,’ compared with 54% of all companies. For incumbents sitting on large network estates, which often have a fragmented, federated structure involving multiple national operating companies, building an enterprise-wide cloud is a major commercial and technical challenge.
AI technology—and especially the emerging class of generative AI (GenAI)Opens in a new window tools and capabilities—has tremendous potential in all aspects of a telecom company’s business (see chart below). Operating in AI-enabled ways will become the industry norm in areas including network management, device interfaces, and customer and employee experience. Those players who move early to lead this transformation stand to gain a significant competitive edge. However, although GenAI has captured the attention of executives across and beyond the telecom sector, many have yet to grasp how fundamentally it will change their business, and how quickly that will happen. According to PwC’s 2023 Emerging Technology SurveyOpens in a new window, 73% of US companies have already adopted AI in at least some areas of their business. And in PwC’s 27th Annual Global CEO SurveyOpens in a new window, 69% of telecom CEOs said that in the next three years, generative AI would significantly change the way their company creates, delivers and captures value.
If they want to realise gains, telecom companies will use both GenAI platforms and embedded GenAI capabilities in enterprise apps to reinvent how their business operates. Industry CEOs must set guiding principles, accountabilities, and governance to advance from initial experimentation and excitement around use cases to a programmatic effort—one that can scale GenAI across functions and markets; ensure the right choices on large language model architectures and technology; and safeguard data integrity, privacy and ethical use of this powerful technology. To do so, leaders will have to focus on the six key leadership prioritiesOpens in a new window that build into a road map for an effective “early days” GenAI strategy. Given the technology’s disruptive potential, it is particularly important to collaborate within ecosystems to enable imaginative rethinking of value chains and business models.
The business challenges facing telecom companies today are inextricably linked with talent challenges. PwC’s Global Workforce Hopes and Fears SurveyOpens in a new window 2023 shows that 46% of telecom employees don’t think their company will be in business in ten years (compared with 31% for employees of all companies), and 32% of telecom employees plan to change jobs within the next 12 months (compared with 26% of employees for all companies).
The result is a series of coincident workforce challenges. As the large population of industry workers age 55 or older are set to retire, there is a significant generational shift and concomitant brain drain. As telecom companies lean more into the cloud, AI, private networks and IOT solutions, new skills will be required throughout the labour force. At the same time, there is a cyclical surge to build fibre networks, especially in Europe and North America. The continued worldwide 5G network deployments—and the 6G networks that will follow—require telecom engineers and tech talent, and are also driving demand for construction and civil workers, But there are labour supply shortages in many of these markets. New modes of working as well as geopolitical and economic factors are prompting an industry-wide rethink of talent pools and formerly accepted approaches to using nearshore or offshore facilities.
In today’s uncertain and fast-changing environment, no telecom CEO can afford to underestimate the importance of identifying and addressing emerging risks—and of responding proactively to changes in regulation.
Cyberattacks are escalating in telecommunication, encouraged by ongoing digitisation of business functions and expansion into adjacent digital areas. PwC’s 2024 Global Digital Trust Insights surveyOpens in a new window found that the biggest worries of senior executives are cloud-related threats—cited by 47% of respondents—followed by attacks on connected devices.
Regulatory scrutiny of deals is intensifying: PwC researchOpens in a new window reveals a 50% rise since 2020 in the number of deals reviewed by US national security watchdog CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States) and a seven-month increase in average EU deal duration since 2016. The scope of deals being reviewed on competition grounds has also widened, expanding beyond the traditional focus on horizontal deals to include challenges to several vertical deals around the globe.
As telecom companies increasingly seek growth through geographical expansion and diversification into non-core industries (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 8.9 MB), they will engage with unfamiliar regulatory frameworks outside the telecommunication space. And, as we’ve noted, the rise of AI and GenAI is imposing a sense of urgency for leaders to ensure responsible use of these new technologies. These circumstances compel leaders to engage proactively with policy-makers in order to help shape regulatory frameworks and ensure compliance.
Sustainability has quickly become an integral aspect of companies’ licence to operate. In recent years, transparent reporting on ESG (environmental, social and governance) performance and impacts has advanced from an aspiration to a regulatory, societal and reputational imperative. Frameworks such as the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)Opens in a new window and the newly introduced Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) (PDF)Opens in a new window (file size: 0.55 MB)require ongoing focus and work on data and digital foundations for tracking and reporting non-financial impacts, both within companies’ own operations and also increasingly along their supply chains. And although the US SEC’s climate disclosure rules are currently on holdOpens in a new window following legal challenges, California is forging aheadOpens in a new window with its own legislation, sustaining the momentum behind climate reporting in the US.
The regulatory landscape remains uneven and evolving, but the direction of travel is established and irreversible. The net-zero problem statement is clear and has been backed up with public commitments by most telecom operators—however, the path to net zero is less obvious. Addressing Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions is relatively straightforward; and power purchase agreements, fleet electrification and real estate footprint transformation initiatives are underway across the industry.
The challenge is that a large majority of the carbon footprint of the typical telecom company is driven by Scope 3 emissions. And that means telecom CEOs must begin to address the questions that will arise as they strive to extend their emissions reporting along their supply chains. In addition to influencing and orchestrating action among suppliers and customers, companies must build circular-by-design device and network life-cycle management practices into operations and networks from end to end. And they must prepare for the surge in connectivity and computer demand triggered by GenAI and other computing-intensive applications. These trends will drive the densification of networks, the proliferation of new types of end-user devices and a dramatic increase in data centre capacity—all of which will place greater stress on net-zero ambitions. Telecom companies that move decisively to get a grip on their emissions today will be best placed to handle whatever climate regulations might emerge tomorrow, and whatever expectations investors and civil society might bring to bear.
Priority 7 CEO imperatives:
As is evident, the agenda of telecom CEOs is remarkably full. It is filled with both complex challenges and compelling opportunities. Taking them on and embracing them is the work not just of a single leader, but of the full senior leadership team. And, as our colleagues note, the industry is not alone in facing the reconfiguration imperativeOpens in a new window.
But what’s needed is not just far-reaching strategies and flawless execution. Rather, an important shift in mindset is required. Leaders need to be both radically audacious and incredibly practical: radically audacious in questioning previous assumptions and established products, and in scaling solutions at high speed. And they need to be incredibly practical in developing realistic plans and overcoming the powerful forces of inertia. The future is on the line.