Family office services

Use your family office to stay focused on future legacy

The importance of a family office

Many families consider a family office as a way to meet their financial needs, to provide greater control over their wealth and to handle their affairs. Since every family has its own unique set of requirements, there are as many types of family offices as there are families. Some provide basic administrative support while others oversee the management of investments and coordinate all of the family's financial and lifestyle needs.

Once the family office is established, it is likely to serve multiple generations, across which there may be a range of different needs that require various wealth management strategies. A well-run family office successfully integrates these strategies to ensure that they support the goals of the family as a whole.

A well-run family office strategies

Why set up a family office?

Family offices have evolved to address a range of challenges and needs:

  • Protecting family wealth

  • Managing investment risk 

  • Improving family cohesion and generational transition 

  • Clarifying governance over how the family stewards its wealth 

  • Managing the personal affairs of family members

What type of family office is right for you?

Multi-Family Office

Great for families that are low on the spectrum of complexity and can be a cost effective model

Single Family Office

Fully separate the family’s personal dealings from the business, and make it easier to eventually sell or go public with their legacy operating entity

Virtual Family Office

A viable option for globally diverse teams and families and can be extremely cost-effective

Hybrid Family Office

Best of both worlds— outsource aspects of the family office while still maintaining an embedded family office for select functions

How PwC can help

Setting up a family office

Setting up a family office starts with defining your vision for the office and purpose for the family and its wealth. Once we understand the purpose and needs of the office, we’ll help you build on this foundation to design each of the components so they work together seamlessly to support your family’s legacy, including: operations, technology, staffing needs, advisors and governance.

Family office diagnostic

How effective is your family office? PwC provides a holistic diagnostic that reviews strategic planning, services provided, processes and controls, technology and family and office governance. Our recommendations support your family’s legacy, improving efficiency and reducing the family’s risk.

PwC wins ‘Outsourcing and Business Process Management’ award two years in a row

"The judges selected PwC as the winner for transforming client onboarding with cutting-edge automation. By boosting efficiency, minimizing errors, and offering tailored solutions, they enable advisory teams to optimize workflows, enhance client satisfaction, and dedicate more time to meaningful relationships."

- WealthBriefing

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Contact us

Danielle Valkner

Danielle Valkner

Family Office Leader, PwC US

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