Power and utilities: US Deals 2025 outlook
Political uncertainty stalls deal activity despite widespread investor interest.
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Political uncertainty stalls deal activity despite widespread investor interest.
Over 500 corporate directors shared their views on the most pressing issues facing boards. Learn their views on how they are leading their organizations through uncharted territory in our 2024 survey.
CFOs, controllers and finance play a critical role in driving sustainability strategies, ESG reporting, decarbonization and sustainability technology.
A strong commitment to ESG issues can be a competitive advantage for hospitality companies that can tell a compelling story about their ongoing ESG journey.
What is ESG in real estate? ESG in real estate drives positive environmental outcomes and increases sustainable profit and valuation for investors.
Net zero as a service could be the most important transformation of E&C firms, given the societal and regulatory push to decarbonize and achieve net zero.
Integrating sustainability into your strategy can help you manage risks and opportunities to create long-term value. Move from theory to action with PwC’s solutions.
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