Does your culture fit your strategy?
A big culture–strategy disconnect can be catastrophic. Only a formal assessment based on objective data can tell you if your organization is ready to transform.
While corporate culture has always been an important boardroom topic, the profound shift to remote and hybrid working propelled by the pandemic has put a brighter spotlight on it. A healthy culture can support business strategy and enhance brand reputation, while a dysfunctional culture can be a liability. But assessing, tracking, and monitoring culture can be challenging.
Getting culture right can make it one of a company’s greatest assets, and a strong competitive differentiator. Ask yourself whether your board really understands the company’s culture and how the culture needs to evolve to position the company for even greater success.
A big culture–strategy disconnect can be catastrophic. Only a formal assessment based on objective data can tell you if your organization is ready to transform.
How effective is your board in its oversight role around key business risks?
Amid cost pressures, innovation and digital transformation, talent management is crucial. Boards play a pivotal oversight role in achieving success.
Explore four factors that routinely undermine board culture — and steps that directors can take to resolve problems and maintain effectiveness.