New and prospective director resources

Tools and resources to help you come up to speed

Whether you are seeking a corporate directorship or are newly appointed to a board of directors or audit committee, there is always new information to learn. Board member responsibilities are varied, and PwC can lend a helping hand as you get started.

New directors can accelerate their onboarding and be prepared to contribute to board deliberations more quickly if they follow a comprehensive process. New director orientation tools provides an orientation program overview and actionable advice on how to get started.

When a director is assigned to the audit committee, they may face a learning curve on the audit committee role, what is expected and how to contribute most effectively. New audit committee member orientation tools outlines a process for company executives, CFOs and internal audit leaders to bring an array of perspectives as they help to educate a new audit committee member.

In Seeking a corporate board seat guide, you will learn about the steps toward finding a board member position and will better understand what boards are seeking as they look to add new directors to their board.

New director orientation tools

This guide lays out a process to bring new directors up-to-speed on the company, its competitive environment, strategies, issues and board processes so they can quickly assimilate to their new role. It also addresses how PwC can help with a director orientation program.

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New audit committee member tools

When a director is assigned to the audit committee they could face a significant learning curve. This tool outlines a process for company executives, CFOs, internal audit leaders, and others to educate a new audit committee member on the issues they need to understand and get them up to speed quickly. It also addresses how PwC can help with an audit committee orientation program.

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Seeking a corporate board seat

Knowing how to get on a board can be a struggle. This guide outlines a process for executives to think through: the kinds of boards they might want to be part of, what unique value they bring to a board, brand building for the search process, what skills boards are looking for, how to conduct a search, and how to do due diligence on a company.

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Ray  Garcia

Ray Garcia

Leader, Governance Insights Center, PwC US

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