Book minimum tax - Select international tax considerations

In brief

President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act (the Act) on August 16. One key-revenue raising provision is a 15% minimum tax based on adjusted financial statement income (book minimum tax, or BMT). This Insight focuses on certain international aspects of the BMT. The BMT is effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 2022. (For a general overview of the BMT see prior PwC Insights, Senate passes “Inflation Reduction Act” reconciliation bill and Corporate book minimum tax to be effective for 2023.)

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Nita Asher

Nita Asher

Principal, International Tax Services, PwC US

Aaron Junge

Aaron Junge

International Tax Partner, PwC US

Wade Sutton

Wade Sutton

Washington National Tax Services International Tax Leader, PwC US

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