Germany enacts significant changes to interest deduction limitations

March 2024

In brief

What happened?

The German Bundesrat (Federal Council) passed the ‘Growth Opportunities Act‘on March 22. The legislative action introduces an investment grant for certain investments aiming to achieve energy savings and makes various adjustments to national and international tax law provisions. This tax insight focuses on the significant changes with respect to the rules limiting the interest deduction and changes to the German minimum taxation rules. 

Why is it relevant?

The Act includes changes to the rules for determining the arm's length price for intercompany financing relationships. These new rules apply from the 2024 tax assessment period onwards. The Act also expands the minimum taxation rules for income tax purposes by making the deduction of a loss carry forward unlimited for income under 1M EUR, and 70% for income exceeding 1M EUR. This rule applies for assessment periods beginning in 2024 and through 2027. 

Actions to consider

Multinational companies should review and evaluate relevant financing and group structures based on the new rules for interest deduction and minimum taxation. 

In detail

Stricter rules for determining the arm’s length prices for financing relationships 

The Act limits the deduction of interest expenses for cross-border financing within multinational corporate groups to a group interest rate (i.e., any rate exceeding such rate is considered not to be in line with the arm's length principle). 

  • Group rating approach: The group interest rate is the rate at which a corporate group can finance itself when considering the group's credit rating (not stand-alone rating) compared to third parties. There is a possibility of rebuttal if evidence can be provided that a rating derived from the group’s credit rating corresponds to the arm's length principle. 
  • Debt capacity analyses: The Act introduces increased compliance requirements for loan relationships, requiring the taxpayer to prove from the outset that it could have provided the debt service (which includes interest and amortization payments) for the entire term and that the financing is economically necessary and used for company purposes. Failure to meet these requirements would result in the complete denial of interest deduction. 
  • Requirement of cost-plus mark-ups: An assumption is made that on-lending within a multinational corporate group is a low-function and low-risk service which can only be remunerated with a cost-plus mark-up. The rule applies as well if a company within the corporate group assumes the activities of managing financial resources for one or more companies in the corporate group, such as liquidity management, financial risk management, currency risk management, or acting as a financing company. 

Observation: There is no escape from the limitation even if the lender is a company with sufficient substance. However, purely domestic constellations are not affected by the bill. The provisions introduced do not limit the application of double tax treaties so mutual agreement procedures are still possible. 

Expanded minimum taxation rules for income tax purposes 

The deduction of a loss carry forward shall now be unlimited up to a total amount of income of 1M EUR, and beyond that, up to 70% (currently 60%) of the total amount of income exceeding 1M EUR can be deducted. The changed rules apply for four years, i.e., from the assessment period 2024 up to and including 2027. The minimum taxation rules for trade tax purposes are not amended, such that there is no longer an alignment between income / corporate tax and trade tax regarding loss utilization.  

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Ed Geils

Ed Geils

Global and US Tax Knowledge Management Leader, PwC US

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